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Posts posted by Rachany

  1. Something has happened!

    Your Neopets stomach is rumbling.... I think they would like a Tomato Omurice! You better buy one for them :)


    Never got this one before. I got it while finishing depositing NP in the bank..

  2. Wow, congrats! I never really tried with this avatar, because I was afraid what it would do to my amount of NP....

    I once actually found the editorial where a user suggested a NP sink something that takes 100np, but has a 5% chance of getting the avatar. Thus, the Lever of Doom of born :P I don't remember which Editorial it was though because I read it such a long time ago. I found it because I was reading all the editorials from the very first to the most recent :P

  3. Something has happened!

    A huge spider crawls all over the page...


    I got it while visiting the Petpet Laboratory... Haha, it would make more sense if this RE appeared somewhere in the Virtupets Station, or at least the Secret Laboratory :P

  4. Yay! I got an Earth Faerie quest (while playing Sakhmet Solitaire)! She asked for a Lime Elixer which I already had in my SDB, and I got my pet's strength boosted. Not bad, eh? Could have spent 3000-4000NP on a codestone for the same thing but got it for free:D



    Woohoo! I got this avvie:


    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Fishing - Titanic Squid' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    Another avatar to check off :)

  5. Woah, I just went to the TP, and saw a BUNCH of Nerkmids and Lab Map pieces. No doubt that they're prizes from the wheel :P Also saw a couple of paintbrushes. I'm also pretty sure that they're from the wheel, because paintbrushes aren't usually 'posted' with that frequency. I already saw a Darigan, Shadow, Purple, Striped, Silver, and Faerie (although those might just be some 'leftovers' from the Faerie's Ruins plot).


    I'm actually really liking this new wheel, because I'm not being tempted into spinning it (yet) and this could greatly lower the price of expensive items! :laughingsmiley:


    EDIT: I also forgot to mention job coupons have been popping up more often lately.

  6. Sorry, once you put something into your stamp collection, you can't take it out again :(

    I just tried my luck at it, because so many people were winning, but I didn't knock it down :( I hit it every single time, and at least got it to wobble a bit quite a few time, but it didn't fall off.

  7. Something has happened!

    A mysterious Neopet gives you a lottery ticket. Why not click here to play!


    I got this one while playing Faerie Crosswords. Um, I don't really have any experience with this RE, so is my name automatically entered, or do is it just one of those things that are kinda pointless, and just there to 'advertise'?

  8. Woah....100,000NP! I definitely have enough NP to spin it, except that I'd hate to see all the interest go down....Hmm, I have decided I'll have at least 1million and a 100k before I spin it, so I'll still have that million in the bank.


    Also, does anyone know what type of paintbrush you get when you land on it? I betting it's gonna be a Desert PB, but I'm wondering if it's a range of different PBs, like how it hands out random types of Nerkmids.

  9. Something has happened!

    Adee the Chia says 'Did you know you can send neopets to friends?? Fill in a simple form here'

    I got it at the bank while going to collect my interest. What's up with REs at my bank?! (not that I'm complaining :P)

  10. Hmm... Well I have the Bag of Peanuts (From the Wishing Well) but I don't have the avatar... :whistle:

    As for character designs, I COULD probably think of something for my three pets (have a Medieval thing in mind) but then I'm trying to take up JanieDean's character of being the labrat and being all futuristic and stuff. Also, it doesn't help that I'm big on procrastination.


    Manta, maybe you can try the 'sophisticated English-lady' look? :P

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