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Posts posted by RayHumbert

  1. My mum recently started playing Neopets and since she either use my laptop which is newer or she will use the desktop, which share the same ip address, will our accounts get into trouble? I have already gotten a warning from TNT due to spam as I was trying to get the Neomail avatar with my friend.


    I just wanted to make sure if this is okay or should we notify TNT. Don't wanna risk my almost 9years account. x_x

  2. Can you please put spoiler tags on that last part? I didn't finish the book yet, and I don't want anything spoiled. Not even little things.


    Haha, I'm sorry about that. I just assume after two years, the plot would have been out by now. Still, I hope I didn't mar your HP experience by too much.

  3. Yes, I finish my final paper(Biology) today too. I'm grateful for the lack of natural disaster but that can hardly be attributed to a good political system. And Social Studies is indeed nonsensical propaganda that exist only in the head of our dear PM. The only helpful bit is on Venice which demonstrate the effects of a degenerating political system. The irony of the chapter strikes with an iron anvil, given that its purpose is to ease us into accepting foreign talent.


    I'm all for diversity and multiculturalism but when you start getting your citizens to pay for scholarships and homes for foreigners, a line should be drawn.


    And the constant suggestion to send our senior citizens to Malaysia for cheaper nursing home is despicable. You suck the people dry and deny them a flat and pack them over to another country, goodness.


    Retirement age is being raised, housing prices are exorbitant, the constant need to do "better, betterer, betterest - Lim Swee Say", no pension, famiLEE treating the national army like its private army, stigmatization of minorities like homosexuals and Indians. This is a whole host of problem. What exactly is being a Singaporean about, what are we protecting?


    Sorry if this is rant-(ish?), the Internet is the only outlet for repressed emotions.

  4. Singapore is a pseudo-democracy and the government control mainstream media. The Lee family(Yes, nepotism) enjoy suing foreign publications that disagree with them.


    Of course in true Singaporean fashion, the cases are held in Singapore courts and it will always favor our dear leaders.


    Interesting note, our prime minster have the highest salary among world leaders. You can say we legalized corruption to prevent it. Paradox? No my dear friends, who said civil servants have a duty to the public, we must pay them gold to stop the temptation of the private sector.


    Our Press Freedom Index from Reporters Without Borders is 136 and there was a formal letter sent to the government from that organisation.


    Link: http://en.rsf.org/singapore-open-letter-to-prime-minister-lee-25-03-2010,36832


    We believe in giving second chances but also believe in canning someone for doing graffiti. Death penalty is mandatory and no mitigation is allowed by the judge. Our president can grant clemency but he is only a figure head acting under the orders of our government.


    High GDP growth due to artificial population boom, how sustainable is that, you tell me, given the fact that we are such a small country and infrastructure is not expanding fast enough to handle the sudden population growth. Our ministers salaries is also pegged to the GDP growth of course..


    The mass public is unaware of the atrocities committed by the ruling party and are kept in denial by the strict grasp of the media. Any unhappiness is settled by giving out progress package and freebies of $200, and when they get re-elected, GST will rise by 2-3%.


    Yes, this is a sad excuse of a country and we will only continue producing mediocrity until our economy collapse upon itself. It's a extremely negative prognosis but I really don't dare to hope for change.


    Disclaimer: This represent the opinion of a student on the Internet and he may have been misguided so don't take it seriously. Please feel free to verify the facts and judge for yourself. More importantly, don't sue me and make me sell peanuts on the beach PAP! Big brother is always watching....


    Useful link: http://theonlinecitizen.com/

  5. You finally decide on which item to pick out when you suddenly see a flash of pink. A Meepit? You stare at the place you last saw the creature but nothing else happens. You leave the stall feeling a little perturbed.

  6. You put your hand into the Tombola and draw the following ticket...



    Oh dear, that's not a winning ticket

    .. and you don't even get a booby prize!



    This is getting annoying..

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