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Posts posted by Sweetdang

  1. Yes, yes it does.


    By the way, you don't really have to buy one, you can just request one from the many people on here who really want to give resources away!

    I myself have 17 storages of ranging 1,2 and 3 levels - add me and I'll gladly gift you a hospital! In fact my first one was from a fellow TDN member.


    Welcome, by the way. :D


    GUYS LEVEL 48~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :D :D :D

  2. OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay I'm sorry but that was hilarious!



    Oh. Yes. That missing eye is.... quite disturbing. I guess it is a glitch, I doubt there's any makeup that REMOVES eyes! The only illness I know of is blurry eyes but even then the eyes don't disappear.

  3. The Faerie Queen appears in a puff of lavender smoke. "Bring me Pretty Brown Kau Wig and you will be rewarded."


    Can anybody help me to find this please,


    Many thanks in advance



    Wow, a queenie, eh? Better get her wig, fast! ;)






    The Battle Faerie appears before you. "Neopian, I need your aid. My spell lacks Fire Rubber Bands." Can anybody help Cool person and me with our quest?






    Quick, snag them before they're gone!

    EDIT: Snipped. :(


    "You probably won't help, but I need Princess in Pink for my studies. I can't tell you why."






  4. TNT, you mean? ;) And non paying users have always been excluded from the features which are paid for. Lutari Island was previously a pay to use area, you were in fact excluded if you weren't a paying subscriber. Same goes for the current Premium.


    So non paying users wouldn't be excluded any more now if it turned into the new Premium, than they've been all along. ;)


    Yes, I did mean. :P


    MEH. I didn't know it was only opened to the paying. That's sad. D:

    Premium isn't exclusion - it's an add on. An advantage that's paid for.

  5. Yay, more sand is brought! Its gotten a little bit more expensive since the rubbish avvie LOL


    The price of the item is, I think, the main reason people aren't donating like they were for previous goals. They think, why bother when I won't be able to afford the collateral? You've got to remember though that activity on the forums significantly decreases your collateral. About 240 posts is all you need to half the collat. By the time you're a Super Member (400 posts) you only need about 25% collat for any item. Fantastic members (2000 posts) need only 1% collateral.

    Are you serious! =o

    I never knew that! This means I can actually BORROW something! :O




    Aaand now I'm trying to find the shop... would somehow pinning it in this forum/thread be advertising?

  6. In all honesty, I don't know, but judging from images and stuff, my guess is you can't overeat and stuff. Your diet is still restricted, just like the ordinary models, because you have to keep fit. You can see that the plus size models are all big, but all very... tight? Not uptight, but like, toned and stuff.

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