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Status Updates posted by Sweetdang

  1. If anyone actually asks me, I'll tell them

    a) PENS

    b) FOOD

    yayyy. :D

  2. ;D

    Unless you didn't see it because I named them all wrongly. :P

  3. Have fun getting acquainted! Welcome and all that. :)

  4. Oh, you're very welcome ;)

  5. Late congrats on Supermemberness!

    And you have 5 stars, too! :D (or at least I clicked 5 :P )

  6. I can tell. It's the perfect orange. It's THE Halloween orange! :P

  7. :(

    The Magical fireplace (but idk the name heehee) from harry potter and the helmet thingy from KQ but maybe it's the wrong thing heehee and they ALLUDE to the whatchamaerthingies so it's a MAGICAL BOOK OF HIDDEN ALLUSIONS. :D

  8. Did you see my references. D:

  9. Obviously. DO you want transport by my magic fireplace, teleportation helmet, or MAGICAL BOOK OF HIDDEN ALLUSIONS. :D

  10. You had a really cool Avatar... and now it's cooler. xD

  11. Till then, you can poof over to Singapore and borrow mine. :)

  12. So as not to spam up the thread but really wanting to respond:

    Glad I made you, err, die? xD

  13. THE WORM? Or the banjo girlll. :)

  14. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooks <3

    I love books. They're awesome possum. :)

  15. *random and in relation to the fact that my avatar is artistic*

    Thanks! It's purty I like it. :3

  16. I LOVE IT TOO. :)

  17. What, do I sound like I'm not? ;P

    Asian to the tips of my singaporean feet. :)


    Just like how I am awesomely amazingly asian ._.

    NOT SAYING ANYTHING! I like being asian. :D

  19. Gosh, why are you so pretty. SEEEEEEEEE indiannn awesomme featurrrrrres.

  20. (was mostly from my intro but yea, let's pretend ;D)

  21. *nods head* *can tell*

    Nevermind they're all cool so. :3

  22. APRIL!

    Love your avvie changes, all so cute. :)

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