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Posts posted by Hannah

  1. Hello Anime. Is content writing a fun job? I am a writer and I'm thinking of applying.


    I'm glad you read the rules, it's nice to see someone joining who has some sense.


    I have a good reputation on many forums. I always start off by reading the rules..then putting up a set and then posting. Thankyou for the compliment. :)

  2. Hello! I make couplets, it you want one request! I will get it made as quickly as I can.






    Fave Color:

    Fave band:






    Illusioniste makes things cool and spiffy

    She gets them done in a jiffy!!!!!


    Resey is a muffin lover

    and her sets are full of color!!!!!


    Lucy's graphics are really neat

    and she is really sweet!!


    Bryce is drawing

    as the day is dawning




    Request away!

  3. Hi All! My name is Hannah. I live in Australia and I am 14 years old. Im looking foward to meeting everyone here :)


    Afew things about me....

    Nicknames: Han, Hannie , Flamingo (Don't ask XPPP).

    Fave Band: Wolfmother, U2..Scissor Sisters (Im a music fan)


    I love writing and reading also. I know fluent french too!




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