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Status Updates posted by DeAndra

  1. Thank you. I had issues picking a middle name so she got two. But she is my little Rosebud! :D

  2. Thank you. I had issues picking a middle name so she got two. But she is my little Rosebud! :D

  3. Yessss ! I love pointless celebration. Where's the cake! :D

  4. Yessss ! I love pointless celebration. Where's the cake! :D

  5. *Celebrates today for no reason*

  6. *Celebrates today for no reason*

  7. When I eat something spicy my mouth waters a lot. I think it's mouth sweat!

  8. It's November, and I have no Pottermore. :(

    1. Sweetdang


      You haven't gotten a reply? :o When did you send it in?

    2. DeAndra


      They didnt accept everybody into Beta, so I am waiting for the Beta to be over.

    3. DeAndra


      They didnt accept everybody into Beta, so I am waiting for the Beta to be over.

  9. Lol thats one way to put it!

  10. Lol thats one way to put it!

  11. Yes, my birthday is on New Years :)

    I usually have a ton of fun!

  12. Yes, my birthday is on New Years :)

    I usually have a ton of fun!

  13. Lol, hmm delicious? I will put a little salt on her and let you know how she tastes :P

  14. Lol, hmm delicious? I will put a little salt on her and let you know how she tastes :P

  15. Aww thank you! And yes she did say the same thing :P

    Your all so sweet!

  16. Happy Halloween!! :)

  17. thank you !!

    and Happy Halloween to you as well !

  18. thank you !!

    and Happy Halloween to you as well !

  19. thank ya very much !! :)

  20. thank ya very much !! :)

  21. Dang there are a lot of us o.O

  22. Another friend! :D

  23. Yes that is my daughter! :)

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