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Posts posted by Bun

  1. I had no idea how to play when I was younger. When I look back at it now, oh man...I can't believe I was that dumb haha. Occasionally my boyfriend will play games on my account because he doesn't have his own. He really likes Destruct-o-Match and Sutek's Tomb. ...Is that against the rules, though? It's not like we're exactly sharing an account. Just wondering because I never thought of that before just now.

  2. I haven't had any problems logging in, but I've been getting blank pages in other areas of the site. It's mostly the shop wizard that has been giving me trouble though. It just takes forever to load and sometimes comes back with no user shops listed (but doesn't say it couldn't find the item) or it's a completely blank page with a wierd url <_< Would this be considered a different problem? I don't know if I should bother submitting a ticket, I think it would just slow things down more for TNT, I can imagine they're totally swamped at the moment...

  3. I just got around to finishing the Altador plot yesterday :P I did complete one step of the moltara plot I think, but I didn't get anything for it... I had no internet at my house until yesterday and the computers at my school wouldn't let me do anything involved with the Atlas of the Ancients plot so I just had to watch as it passed me by <_< I'm trying to get more involved on some of the boards like AC now that I've got a connection though, so I'm happy.

    And 1/4th? I started playing when I was about 9 or 10 and I'm 19 now :* So don't feel bad...

  4. I'm currently trying to train my zafara _StarFire13_ to be a battledome pet. I'm trying to keep his hit points, attack and defence relatively balanced. Is this generally a good idea or not? Also, I'm stuck trying to beat Tekkitu the Witch Doctor. He usually beats me within a couple of hits. I'm not sure if it's because my stats are too low or if it's because I'm doing something wrong. My pets battle record is atrocious because I lost to him and Commander Garoo so many times :crying:


    I checked out the battlepedia a while ago and bought a few weapons, but I don't really have much NP to spend on newer gear because I fail at saving NP. My set includes a lesser healing scroll, downsize!, a leaf shield, two improved lightning beams, a scroll of the earth and two scarab rings. I'm not sure what Tekkitu's strength and weaknesses are, however. Also, as of right now my pets stats are


    Health: 71 / 71

    Strength: AWESOME (71)

    Defence: EXCELLENT (57)


    I have used some bottled faeries on him previously because I heard that they can give him special abilities, but I have no idea how to improve them, which ones I really should have and how to get them. If anyone has any advice or a guide on this that you could point me to I would appreciate it.

  5. I've always been into neo lol I just lack direction sometimes :whistle: And it wasn't until maybe about last year I realized that there are plots :crying: I feel like I've wasted so much time...

    It's nice to meet you too Spritzie you've been playing for a long time too then!

  6. Sometimes I do go out of my way to buy books for my zafara. I have spent 100k on a bunch of books on a few occasions. I think it's just because I don't know what to save my neopoints for. I want to try to get onto the high score table for having the most books read one day but I just don't see it happening anytime soon :P I'll still try though!

  7. Hey there my name is Bun. I've been playing neopets for about nine years total. Mostly I play games and collect avatars and I hope to eventually get involved with the avatar lending program here. I've had an account here for a while but kind of just realized that there are forums haha time to make some new friends!

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