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Posts posted by Roxi

  1. I like the Zombie, but I always like zombies. I admit more artwork detailing could have been done. I love the clothes, though. That's a must have if I ever get a lupe again.

  2. Items for faerie quests such as cards and books would sell quickly, and wearables and backgrounds can be profitable, too. I know a lot of my neofriends used to restock in pharmacy, but I think the prices have deflated a lot in there recently. Most of the time I personally restock stamps and plushies since many people collect them.

  3. I don't think TNT would stop you if you tried to make more. Which makes things hard because sadly a lot of legit players don't read the rules and get themselves frozen. You're right on your limit, though! Just don't accidently forget about an account in the future!

  4. Just change your passwords on your accounts. I don't know what the popup was or anything, but it's possible it was nothing. Better safe than sorry, though. If your accounts do get frozen they'll probably just be frozen for your protection, and you'll be able to get them back if you send tickets to TNT. I really don't think this will happen though, especially if you don't take the risk and change your passwords.

  5. I finally got up the courage to zap my Lutari - I was terrified he would change species - and he changed colour to Pink.


    Then I zapped my Bori today because I was bored of him being Starry and he changed to Snow.


    Awesome, two avatar pets in one! Well, today I gained 3 movement points for my Chomby and my petpet didn't change at all. Bummer.

  6. Lol, reminds me of my Ogrin on my side account. He has no eyes... It's pretty freaky. But yeah, if it's bothering you just submit a ticket and hopefully TNT will get it worked out soon.

  7. Ok, so I wouldn't call this OCD or anything, but I have a habit that when I clean a bathroom, I have to put everything in a certain spot. Soap goes to the right of the faucet, hair brush goes to the right edge facing the mirror, and so on. It's kind of like creating a table setting.

  8. It's easy to tell who is just quitting over someone with computer troubles. If they wait until they know they're going to lose and then suddenly leave, 90% of the time I could bet you it wasn't their computer's fault. It's so annoying. TNT should make it where a person can't quit by clicking out of the game. It's pointless to even play if people are just going quit once things get good.

  9. Huh never knew you can get a RE and FQ at the same time.

    Good thing they changed the look of a FQ, usually I'll be too busy to notice it and find out later I have one when I try to use the Shop Wizzy lol


    That still happens to me. For some reason I never notice when I get a faerie quest. Which is bad because they're the main way I train my active.

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