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Tank Girl

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Status Updates posted by Tank Girl

  1. Goodbye TDN!! Officially offskies. Love you all though, keep in touch! :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vocaloid Marshmallow

      Vocaloid Marshmallow

      No! Why you leaving???

    3. The Meepit Commando

      The Meepit Commando

      I think so, see hasn't been on since she posted this D:

    4. khaos


      It's because she is now a staff at JN, so people here probably wouldn't like it. Jn is kind TDN rival. :/


      Well, that's what i heard. :/

  2. Aww thanks love! :) :) xx

  3. Grease is on telly. SCORE :D haha

  4. everyone is ignoring me today. Ho hum :(

    1. Spritzie


      That's not very nice of everyone. But now it's everyone -1 now that I'm back online. :D

    2. Tank Girl

      Tank Girl

      Aw I only just got this ^_^ *hug*

  5. You might need to be a little more specific than that... I reckon there's probably a million John Jones' on fb :P lol

    Could you link me to your page?

  6. Finally getting Marvums Mara PB!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

    1. Spritzie


      He looks awesome! Congrats. :D

    2. Tank Girl

      Tank Girl

      Aw thanks :) I got it for 5mil and a UB worth about 750K from an absolutely lovely player in the end :D Draik saving time now O_o

  7. I'm heeeeeere :)

    Sorry babe I'm so rubbish at getting back to people recently!

  8. I'm referring to Lewis Carroll - Jabberwocky ;)

  9. Hey! Yeah I noticed you hadn't been around for a while. I hope you're having a good time at camp, even if there is no internets!

    Let me know when you're back sweets ^_^ Have a good one xxx

  10. YOU'RE BACK TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

  11. Gotta check out this band! They're Brighton-based. I know you'll love them! They only have one song up at the moment, but they remind me a bit of Owl City - though they're a bit heavier in places ;)


  12. Racheykiiiiiins :(

    1. Cornflakes


      Aw :'( Where are you??

  13. Gosh our time difference is IMMENSE! It's half 9 in the morning for me!

    Sweet dreams hun ^_^ xxx

  14. Hmm you never know though, he might have a mental condition that hasn't been diagnosed. Judging by his lyrical content I'd say it was a definite possibility!

    I will agree with that though, no one likes a sad old man. Bitter old man, now that's something else! They can usually be pretty funny :)

  15. Ah yes but he makes us normal sad people feel a bit better. He's famous and sad! That's gotta be like a million times worse, right? :P

  16. YOU'RE KIDDING??!?!?! Oh my god I think I would have a heart attack if that happened to me!!!!!!!!! Lucky cow! haha

  17. I'll bet it did! I've thought about dressing up as Ziggy for ages now, but I don't think I could pull it off! My face is a bit weird, doesn't suit stuff :P

    Similar story here, though Morrissey comes in a very close second ;) Very different artists but they really remind me of each other!

  18. That's awesome! Did you have a mullet for it?? XD

    I love Bowie so much! He's one of those absolute legends that will never, ever be forgotten no matter what happens in the world. His music and he himself are revolutionary!

  19. I'm so jealous of your Comic Con thing!! I'm sure there are probably ones in the UK but I've never heard of them :(

    I'd have to go as Tank Girl ;)

    Ahh yes Halloween is a big one for me too, I love that holiday! Last year I dressed in a red PVC nurses outfit :D Gotta love the pvc

  20. Ahahaha I do incidentally ;) I dress like a 'lady of the night' to pretty much any party/event that happens to be going on at the time :P

    Your pride looks awesome!! I really want to go to America and visit all the biggest ones :D

  21. Oh we also have an event over here called Torture Garden which I know you would just LOVE!!


  22. I've been dying my hair since I was 16 - it hasn't been it's natural colour since :P I'm not strictly ginger, my hair's strawberry blonde (I'm not in denial, it actually is haha).

    http://www.brightonpride.org/ this is the website for our Pride ^_^

    Ooft no wonder you got sunburned ;) I usually go in a bikini top and shortshorts with my four inch boots... And stay in the shade! :P

  23. I absolutely LOVE it on other people, just not on me! lol

    Aww babe that sucks :( I bet you had fun at Pride though (before the intense pain, obviously :P).

    Ours is at the beginning of August and it's HUGE! I live in Brighton which has been dubbed 'gay capital of the UK'. Thousands of people flood our city for it :). The theme this year is 'out of this world' though ¬_¬ bit naff

  24. Oh my I would love to! Stupid Irish heritage making me ginger, pale and freckly! haha.

    All my friends go on holiday and they come back brown. I come back red and hurty all over with a freckle for a face :P

  25. I'm the same. Not a huge fan of the sun by any means! I'm so pale I'm practically translucent; 5 minutes out in the sun and I'm toast! It'd be nice if we had a little of it sometimes though :P

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