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Minty Mints

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Posts posted by Minty Mints

  1. Well, what's going to happen five years into the future when there's a NEW new layout? Are we going to look back at the layout we supposedly hated and be sad about it like we are with the current old layout? It's the same with many things. I could say right now 'I sure do miss good old Pokemon Gold and Silver' and then sometime in the future be saying 'I sure do miss good old Pokemon Black and White'.

  2. Well, I have had some personal experiences with dead relatives. I won't go into detail, but my great-grandmother died of old age, now whenever we go back up to Seattle to visit relatives, I feel like someone's watching me even when nobody's there. Another time when I was littler I saw her, but that might just be me thinking things happened that didn't.

  3. Hi! I think this would be a fun game to have on here. I don't think it applies to the word games section. If it does, I apologize for posting this in the wrong place. Anyways, here are the rules.


    1. I set a topic.

    2. I write a paragraph using that topic as part of the storyline.

    3. The next person writes a paragraph using that same topic.

    4. This continues until the story ends!

    5. The person who writes the finishing paragraph gets to decide the next topic.

    6. It doesn't have to be Neo-related.

    7. Most paragraphs have about five complete sentences.


    To start us off, the topic will be: Falsely accused


    Sarah sighed as she entered an old three-story brick building, a bell ringing to notify the staff as the door opened. A faded sign perched right inside the entrance notified her that this place was called Penni's Pizza and Pasta Palace.

    "Um, is this where my new job is?" she asked gingerly, "My name is Sarah White..."

    An old man appeared from behind a white curtain that must have been red at some point. A kind smile spread across his wrinkled face as he realized who the new arrival was.

    "Ah, Sarah!" he greeted her kindly, "I've been told you already went through training? Is that true?"

    Sarah nodded, then spoke, "I also understand I am going to be working the cash register and waiting on costumers."

    "Yes, that is correct. Here, put this on. My name is Philippe." the man told Sarah and handed her a deep red apron when a mysterious man burst through the front door. Sarah whipped around in shock and took a look at the figure.

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