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Posts posted by carolshmarol

  1. Livvy, your cats are adorable!!! I wish I could pet their little cheekies and chinnies and give them lots of kisses! And no wonder your poem was awesome, you're a writer! The first thing I thought was that maybe you write stories for the Neopian Times. If you don't, you should.

    And Spritzie, yes put up photo's of your kitties. I'd love to see them. I go on Youtube and watch cat videos all the time. I used to have pictures of my babies but they were on my old computer that died so I don't have any now. I'll have to check my Photobucket. I might have some.

  2. Livvy, that was amazing!!! I mean really, truly amazing!! You've got some serious talent! I love reading these poems. Thank you ayashe for the compliment. I'd love to see pics of your kitty. :)


    Spritzie, you've got a kitty avatar! Awwwww! She's so cute!


    Are you guys awesome or awesomesauce? Awesomsauce is a little more awesomier. :)


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  3. I never quit on Key Quest but I've had plenty quit on me. To me, the person that quit is admitting that they are the inferior player. Instead of quitting, they should practice and get as good as the people they quit on. I get upset because it's just wrong. I'm new here and while I did read the rules, I didn't see anything that referenced other regular websites so I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link here. But someone told me about a site yesterday where you submit screen shots of your game with the time stamp, proving you got quit on and they post it along with the quitters name. If I'm not allowed to put the link up, then moderator, please delete the sentences in this post related to it.

  4. People ask to be my neofriend in the chat box as soon as we start Key Quest. Sometimes I ignore them and some I say "sure." But I've noticed that most of them that ask to be my friend end up quitting on me. Strange. The only time I actually do accept friend requests is when someone neomails me and we talk a few times. Now that I know what a CG'er is, how can they actually steal them?

  5. Welcome to the forums!

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    Consider checking the rules first.

    Once you’ve seen them you

    Must visit the Word Fun

    Even Neopians need a break!


    Then, visit anything you want.

    Only the Debate has more rules.


    Take your time here.

    Don’t worry if you feel newbish

    No one gets banned for that!


    For only if you’re really bad

    Or rude or obnoxious or

    Really, really horrible

    Understand this clearly:

    May the Forums be with you!


    Do you like my poem?


    That's funny! Yes I do love your poem. I've got one too:


    Roses are red.

    Violets are blue.

    Some poems rhyme.

    But this one doesn't.


    Am I talented or what? :)

  6. Hi, My name is Shmarol and I'm a Neoholic. :) A little about me: I'm 43 yrs. old, married to a wonderful man who's also a Neopian, and we live in beautiful South Carolina by way of Pittsburgh. We've got two adorable cats.. Bella looks like a White Aisha and Lanie looks like a Shadow Wocky.

    I'm good at some games on Neopets but I'm not really good at anything. I've got a couple of trophies - nothing to brag about really. I found this site while look up token alignments. I've been trying to find a complete, exhaustive list of alignments for Key Quest. Besides Neopets, I love to cook. I guess you could call me a foodie. I love to know what everyone's eating and how they're preparing it. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. Be spiffy!

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