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Posts posted by merody

  1. Wii > PS3 > Xbox360

    Just my opinion ;D but then again I don't play Halo or COD or any of that so the Xbox doesn't really have anything to offer me :|

    and omg Luciana I know :| kids these days know all the swear words by gr 4 ;~;







    this next one is more awesome than funny o.o



  2. 2 more pics 8D

    i love tumblr :)




    im so in love with this thread LOL


    ROFL SORRY i didnt notice it ;_;

    editing this cos i found a video :)




    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Noog) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    Please do not use profane words. All allowed words are mentioned in the forum rules (The image in question has been removed).

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

  3. Neopets is a corporation so obviously they would want as much money as possible. I think their greed is bearable right now, but if they ever release cash BD weapons or something then I think a lot of people would get upset and quit.

    If you ever think Neopets is being too greedy, then just stop supporting the company and quit. o______o

  4. I have a lot of celebrity crushes :|

    A lot of them are Asian, so I won't bother posting them

    I really love hot soccer players though c: I really really like Kaka and Torres (not so much C. Ronaldo... but my mom loves him LOL)




    omnomnom c:

  5. I have a PSN... haha

    I have a whopping 3 friends -_- (probably because I only play FF13) so feel free to add me. :)



    Never really bothered to go online for Wii games because I suck and I heard they have competitions for that kind of stuff o___o It would damage my self-esteem too much u_u


    No one here knows me though so I doubt I'm going to get any invites. :<


    /end ramble

  6. Hi! I'm Melody.


    I made a Neopets account today out of boredom... and then I made an account here just now. haha

    I played Neopets back when I was 7 (I think) o__________o well it was a long time ago. I tried logging in but I forgot my password & fake birthday (shh, you know you had one too u_u) so... I made another one! Yay.

    I don't know how seriously I'm going to be playing Neopets, but my sister pizzaconnie plays it everyday (you can't communicate with her in any neo-way due to the fact that she's under 13).

    Yeah... so hi! 8D


    Also, if you understand my pet's name, we can be best friends forever c:


    ALSO ALSO, what happened to jazz_invincible or whatever his name was? :O He was legendary back in my day...

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