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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. Hmm... are they seriously running out of names for Pokemon Games?


    They've decidedly gone back to colours: Red, Blue, Yellow - now Black/White.

    Is this one going to be in Black and White?


    Haha, I know it isn't :P

    The starters look kinda weird, but that's expected because the new season of Pokemon (the anime) is going to be called Pokemon: Best Wish.



  2. That leaves the show with an idiot and his overhyped yellow mouse, along with sidekicks that we don't care for, fighting 2 villians with a talking cat that apparently don't get the message when they get blasted off again.


    Exactly. Now Ash has to find another girlfriend to spend the next season with to battle 2 idiots. They seriously need a new storyline for Pokemon.

  3. Do you create Neopets just to get your avatars?


    I know that some of them aren't offered for avatar lending...

    for example:

    Elephante Surprise

    Lenny - Wicked

    Tuskaninny - Spotted


    I don't think it's right... I myself haven't done it.

    Would you or do you do it?


    do you adopt Neopets to get these kinds of avatars?

  4. Hi, I had just logged in to Neopets and my navigational bar decided to come up all weird.

    It is not purple (I am using Neopets Purple as my theme), and it is black. The clock has also disappeared


    The buttons are still there but now I have to resort to using boring old Neopets themes: blue.

    It works fine when I change it to blue, red or yellow.


    Is it a problem on my side or Neopets?

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