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Posts posted by Octopus

  1. Woodland is cute but not cute enough to persuade me to paint over my striped Kacheek :).


    And that sword inspired me to go on a quest for wearable swords...thankfully there's quite a few of them floating around.

  2. Sometimes when Dieter is almost bloated I do this really risky move by quickly charging across the screen, grabbing the potion, the rapidly digging down before the blocks fall on me. It helped me get the avatar but I've also lost him a few lives because of it.

  3. I give up Meerca Chase too-500 is the highest I've ever gotten, but I've never seen a Fish Negg.


    For Snowmuncher did you try starting level 2 over and over again? Just let the timer run out when you're near the end of the level so you don't have to go to the more challenging stages.

  4. That stinks! but at least you didnt spend oh the 3 mil its usually at. im saving mine till the prices go back up. i might use it but im not sure. i want a faerie buzz and a faerie lenny but i kind of want the profits to get a ghostkerbomb lol and i have 3 lab maps soooo. decisions decisions.


    Haha, I have the same dilemma and my dream pets ALWAYS change. I think I'll get 2 Faerie PBs and sell one of them, that way I won't feel guilty about 'wasting' 3 million NPs.

  5. My strategy was to let the plushie fall to the ground if the wind was below 7, and take a swing if it's above. I don't think you need a 9 wind to get past the first two levels.


    A guide from either TDN or JN says there's a trick where you can hold the plushie's cape while it's flying and let go when it's at the peak of its trajectory, making it land a little bit further. Go look it up :).


    ^The worst part about Faerie Bubbles is that the "bubbles" cheat sometimes works against you. If you use the cheat and the bubbles turn to dark or nova, chances are your whole game's ruined because you won't get the point boost from the one-shot win.

  6. I try a lot of different things: Food Club, Stock Market, Faerieland Employment Agency (it's kind of a gamble though and you might end up losing lots of NP if you choose the wrong jobs), Key Quest, selling stuff I get from plots (hint: sell them YEARS after the plot ends) and REs, etc. If the payout starts dipping, I change to another activity and see how well it pays, etc.


    And I try to play the 2x NP games, as well as make NP while trying to get game avatars. The amount I make ranges from 10-400K/day (that's from stocks), but it's worked for me so far.

  7. Thanks for your wishes! I always understand why people are so slow, there are a lot of things they could be doing... but I wish they would just reject my offer if it's too low so I can try again or something. I'm just impatient, I know it's a problem. I wish stores could hold things with higher prices so we could just buy it from a store and be over it. I get that some people think haggling is fun... but i don't. Good luck on finding a new pet you like!


    Yeah I don't like haggling either. I'm not that patient myself but I don't like it when people withdraw their offers because they don't hear back from me in 8 hours or so. I try to keep offers for a day or two if necessary, don't want people to feel the same way about me bailing out. Having a shop that can hold high prices would solve that.


    ^I know! It only takes 3 seconds to write NTY GLT (I'd write that out as I don't like writing super-short replies).

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