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Posts posted by avat0r

  1. Monty Phytons Flying Sircus was and is still the best comedy ^^

    (But Black Adder was also great XD)

    Since I don't watch much TV anymore, I don't know many new series, but I liked

    Scrubs and the IT crowd ^^

  2. Hm, when I look at my playlist, I see about 50% Metal (Metallica, Savatage, Blind Guardian, Nightwish, Rhapsody ect.), 25% Rock (from the last 4 decades), 12,5% Pop(from the last 4 decades) and 12,5% Folk/Alternative (i.e. Omnia, Irish Folk, Mike Oldfield, Medieval Music)

  3. I just registered to the forum and wanted to say hi. ^^


    I'm on neopets for nearly 4 years now and decided to join a better forum than just using the neoboards...


    Lets have a good time here. ^^

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