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Posts posted by misslexilove

  1. I would love a UC Faerie Lenny (why would they change it? :( its so much prettier without the hand thing going on).


    I like loads of other pets too though, but don't want to look greedy :P Once I figure out a favorite or two, I'll be back!


    Also, once I collect all my lab map pieces...I'll check here whenever I get a colour :D

  2. I'm working on the SDB avatar, if anyone is still clearing out and wants someone to buy lots of their stuff, let me know!


    I'll buy any spare jellies you have floating around too, if I don't already have them :) I get normal ones like strawberry lol.

  3. Thank you for saying all that I believe.


    you're welcome :P


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  4. I read all the Twilight books, I was bedridden and bored. If my mom hadn't practically shoved it in my face telling me it was good, I never would have picked one up. But I read all of them, so I feel I am entitled to the opinion that they were...well I don't want to say terrible, but childish and felt like someone wrote down all the cliches they could possibly think of for teen books and shoved them all into one series.


    I mean if you are 12-14 they would probably be pretty decent, but anyone who has called them a classic must not know how to read. They are bland, predictable. I don't know if you could fit a whole lot more teenage angst into one book.


    I've always enjoyed vampire books and movies, when I came across them. Really like the Interview with a Vampire movie, and some of the other smaller ones from that storyline. But I could not get into the books. I think Vampire Diaries is about as ridiculous as Twilight, at least Bella was believable as a teenager, unlike the mid twenty something main character of VD. I enjoy TruBlood though, I think its a good mesh between 'traditional' vampires, and the romance thing.


    Oh, I don't know how I could forget this until now. The first few books of Twilight are like what I said above..the last one however? Meyers...I can't think of a forum appropriate word for my feelings right now. She wanted to create a role model for young girls, and look where here character ended up?! It is repulsive, and she should be unbelievably ashamed of herself for condoning that behaviour by writing it into her book. I don't care if it was to make the story interesting, it was unnecessary and extremely inappropriate.


    Arg, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who wants to force themselves to finish the series. I'm sure you could google it if you really wanted to know what happens. I just think of all the things I hear about the girls a few years younger than me in high school, and the things I'm hearing about girls my own age now a few years later...and have to shake my head. While it is not Meyer's fault, she could not possibly have helped the ever growing problem with her book. I have no problem with fantasy, with sci-fi, vampires, any of that. I really enjoy it. However, I do have a problem with promoting that behaviour and outcome.


    (It isn't the 'behaviour' you are probably thinking of that I take issue with, its the lack of proper (any) education on the subject. Here, at least, we are taught about how to behave responsibly in that situation, and approach it as an adult with the proper precautions)

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