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About Me

I've been on Neopets since 2002, played pretty regularly until the customisation came up. Then I just dropped it because the anthropomorphisation simply was not my cup of tea. In early 2010 I started playing again.


I mostly just do my dailies, play games a little, take part in some site events and sell stuff that I happen upon.


I have four pets that I've had all this time. Three of them are created and one adopted.


Flengur was the first pet I created. His name means something along the lines of very swift. He started out as a blue Eyrie, but is now an unconverted darigan Eyrie. His petpet, Skoffín, is a Mewclops, bought back when they were buyable. Skoffín is a cryptozological creature, the offspring of a female cat and a male arctic fox. They are both rather serious somewhat haughty, but still happy.


Nymph__ I adopted from the pound. She was a brown Grundo back then. After a while I painted her silver, she was very handsome with those red eyes. Her personality was always very rather melancholy. When the Grundos had a makeover her image no longer fit that personality, so she became a striped Krawk, which had a similar personality. After the customisation makeover, that no longer holds true, so Nymph__ is trying to find a new self. Her petpet is Logi the fire Kazeriu, Logi means flame. He is not so similar to Nymph__ much more lively than she is, but they complement one another.


Svipur was the second pet I created, his name means either a ghost or a look. Originally he was a blue Zafara, but eventually wound up as a fairy Draik, as it suited his personality better. He is still unconverted, and therefore much more adorable than modern fairy Draiks. He has a halloween Whoot for a companion, named Gjafar, which means he who gives. They are both rather shy, but very sweet in temperament, quite prone to cuteness.


Hreggur was the last one to join the crew, his name means an ice storm. He is a brown Tonu, and is a rather mischievous fellow, always willing to play a benign prank on someone. His petpet, Narfi, which means arctic fox, is the same, not quite to be trusted, but still a good friend.

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