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Posts posted by seraph

  1. Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Huggy' as an avatar on the Neoboards!








    You are now eligible to use 'Slorg' as an avatar on the Neoboards!



    You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

    AHHHHHH!!!! Turmaculus ate your petpet! BURP

    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Turmaculus' as an avatar on the Neoboards!

  2. Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Magical Kauvara' as an avatar on the Neoboards!


    Someone gave me a green uni morphing potion so now there is one less Gnorbu in Neopia and one more Uni. :)






    You are now eligible to use 'Pwned by the Lab' as an avatar on the Neoboards!




    My shoyru was turned into a mynci by the lab ray... now I wish I hadn't used that morphing potion already :(

  3. Something has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Meuka-Snotty' as an avatar on the Neoboards!


    got 'Neomail Addict' today too. :)





    You are now eligible to use 'Pink!' as an avatar on the Neoboards!




    You are now eligible to use 'Meowclops' as an avatar on the Neoboards!


    Thank you to another generous lender on the AC. :D

  4. Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Sell! SELL!!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    Yay!! I really like this one.


    Still proud of Adam though.




    Wow, congrats! I'm still like 982k away from Sell, Sell. rolleyes_anim.gif




    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Ruki-Mummified' as an avatar on the Neoboards!

  5. So I'm a little confused about the trophies for Jhudora's Cloud. Currently the high score for a gold trophy is 15,901. I have a score of 24,790 which is well above the current high score. My score was similar last month and I just finished level 21 of her quest today to see if I would be added to the high score table (I wasn't). Shouldn't I technically have the trophy for this game now? Either for last month or this month? ::is confuzzled:: Has this happened to any of you? and if not, do you think I should mail TNT and ask them?

  6. Whoa, that's awesome! I haven't gotten around to that one yet. I'm holding off on spending the money...



    Thanks! I check the shop wizard every couple of days for the price, decided to go for it today because usually they're going for 27k+ and I didn't think I'd find it at 23k again.




    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Pick Your Own' as an avatar on the Neoboards!


    Finally! I picked blanks/dung for the longest time. happy.gif




    You are now eligible to use 'Island Quiggle' as an avatar on the Neoboards!




    You are now eligible to use 'SDB Pack Rat' as an avatar on the Neoboards!


    Fiiiiiiinally! Had to empty out my side account and de-equip all my pets but finally made it. :) gotta start clearing stuff out now...

    And I've accomplished my goal of 200 avatars before May 28! Woohoo!!

  7. That made me giggle. I don't think of neopets as being naked when they don't have clothes on because, well, they're animals, and I don't think of animals as being naked. :laughingsmiley:


    And of course you're right! The clothes would just catch on fire.




    You know, I never thought of Neopets as naked either until TNT started coming out with clothes for them. And now all of the shopkeepers/plot characters are really anthropomorphised, and wear clothes so it seems weird to not put something on them (especially since most users dress up their pets too).


    And yup, the clothes would get burnt to a crisp. :D

  8. I personally have had a really nice time hanging out on the boards and chatting with different folks about random Neopets things; not to mention all the kind lenders I've dealt with. In the span of 2 days I got lent dark nova (free), robo (free), adam, chokato (free), FQD (partial collat), icy (partial collat) and ZDAP (free). Not to mention the pet-chain lends (snow and harris so far, island quiggle and mummy ruki coming up next week). Without the boards I definitely wouldn't have been able to get as far in my neopets goals as I've been able to. I've also been able to lend out items to others I've met on there and have never been scammed. However, I have the advantage of having a very old account (116 months; 9.5 years) so people have never tried to "pull rank/age" with me.



    That said, the boards can be a pretty treacherous place, especially if you're not used to them and even more so if you're not used to Neopets AND the Boards (a total newbie in other words). I spent some time lurking to get handle on the lingo and I would definitely point newbies towards TDN or JellyNeo before I sent them marching off to the boards. I've seen many rude posts on there, but just as many nice posts. I think if you're smart and careful, you can get a lot out of them both as a newbie and as an experienced player. However, it's not for everyone and there's definitely an "in" crowd of people who are regular chatters which can be intimidating. And before you go on you should know WHY you're going on. Is it for conversation? To get lent for avatars? for BD advice? Going to the right board for your purposes is a big part of having a good experience.


    As for the flaming/arbitrary reporting, I stay out of boards that engage in flame wars. I don't see any reason to put myself in the middle of such silliness. At the end of the day, I play Neopets because its a fun game, I don't want to see people fighting or saying rude things to each other because it ruins the experience for me. I know that reporting is a problem, but again I think if you're careful you should be able to avoid a lot of that.


    So I guess my answer is that I really enjoy hanging out on the boards, but its definitely not for everyone. :)

  9. Welcome to my little hut. Ahh, I guess you came here to have your fortune told, eh? Well... here it is...



    You will be taunted by countless three-headed Kyries.



    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Island Mystic' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



    Yeah! One more down :)



    I want your friends! Congratulations on ZDAP and Adam!



    Thanks! Congratulations on getting the Island Mystic! He seriously hates me, I don't think he'll ever talk to me about kyries. :(




    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Wocky-Snow Day' as an avatar on the Neoboards


    You are now eligible to use 'Harris-Hi' as an avatar on the Neoboards!




  10. Wow! You pet looks amazing! Congrats! :)

    It's amazing, really, believe me.

    You must be flying on the seventh sky. lol.


    Hmmn. I think I will visit the Magma Pool too.

    In case my pet gets painted.


    Anyways, how did it happen?

    Sorry, I have no knowledge about this Magma stuff.




    Thanks! I'm really happy with the way she looks too :) When I visited the magma pool I was carry all the worms (except rainbow) and the lantern. I refreshed a bunch of times and it just happened to let me in. I haven't done the AotA plot or ever finished the Worms quest so I don't think that has anything to do with it. Best of luck to you!

  11. Wow. Are the people on neoboards that trusting?


    I'm still saving up for Adam. I was about a million short for yesterday's amount.


    I just got the whack-a-kass avvie!! Yay!


    (Seraph helped me with that one. :D)



    I think I just got really lucky because pretty much all of the posts are people begging to be lent. I think it also helps that my account is really old. :rolleyes_anim: And congrats again on whack-a-kass!




    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Zafara Double Agent Plushie' as an avatar on the Neoboards!


    Again, thanks goes to an amazing lender who lent me ZDAP for free. :laughingsmiley:

  12. You are now eligible to use 'Rorru' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



    how did you get lent the full amount?



    Someone on the Neoboards was offering to lend the amount; unfortunately I think they got scammed a couple hours ago so they're not lending anymore. But as for the 'how', I put up 7 trades and they bid on them so that by the end I had enough for Adam. Hope that helps!

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