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Posts posted by seraph

  1. Congratulations!

    Not everyone is as lucky as you, you found an avatar, yay!






    YESSSS FINALLY!! I thought I would never get this one.


    I've really been on a roll these past couple of days after a long dry spell. Got TNT staff smasher, grand theft ummagine, feed florg, and nimmo's pond in the past 3 days. :D

  2. Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Snowbunny- Whee!' as an avatar on the Neoboards!




    You are now eligible to use 'Elephante Surprise' as an avatar on the Neoboards!



    A very nice person gifted me a bag of peanuts after I lent her ZDAP laughingsmiley.gif

  3. Thank you everyone! Yeah, I got lucky on a lending board. A lender using his side made a board about lending a few people BGC, but I didn't think he would actually pick me (so yep, that was probably me freaking out on the AC, lol). I don't know his main, but I know he said he's shooting for 29 more safe lends (so he can get to 100) and then he's going on hiatus. I think he's mostly on during the weekends and kinda late at night (I got lent around 2 or 3am EST if I remember correctly). Good luck to everyone still searching! :D

  4. Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Grarrl Warrior' as an avatar on the Neoboards!





    I can't even tell you how hard I was shaking when I sent the BGC back to its owner. XD I was so scared it would go poof somehow and I'd have lost 80mil nps in an instant. stun.gif

  5. So I literally just got lent BGC tonight! lmaosmiley.gif Man, I was shaking the whole time; I had to try screen capping the page several times because I kept missing the keys, haha. But yeah, hooray for generous strangers! smile_anim.gif

  6. I don't really see the Attic helping the problem of inflation at all. If anything, it seems like the rich get richer and the poor need to play games constantly to keep up. The only way to decrease the price for Draik eggs (or any other expensive items for that matter) is to increase the supply. The problem with the eggs is that they're basically one use. TNT would have to release a lot more of them for the price to change significantly.


    If that's what they really wanted the Attic to do, they should have it stock a lot more often than it currently does; but it seems like the opposite of that has happened; the Attic stocks less frequently than it used to. :/


    I dunno what they're going to do about the crazy inflation, but they gotta do something because frankly I think it's just gotten ridiculous (25 mil for an egg? 80mil for BGC? 600mil+ for MSPP? are you kidding me?)

  7. Your Stats

    Joined Team Moltara on 23rd May



    Level 4


    Goals Scored 1321

    Goals by Aldric Beign 1196

    Goals by Tulah Kisner 36

    Goals by Vere Polnicek 68

    Goals by Zax Bannet 21

    Saves by Mor Gollog 87

    Number of Wins 165

    Number of Draws 1

    Number of Losses 0

    Slushie Slinger

    Games Played 5

    Top Score 557

    Make Some Noise

    Games Played 89

    Top Score 6503

    Shootout Showdown

    Games Played 307

    Top Score 1,200



    My computer glitched and sent scores below 3000 for MSN (and a whole bunch of my 5000+ scores wouldn't send), so now that stat is all messed. jealous.gif

  8. Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Altador Cup V Staff Tournament' as an avatar on the Neoboards!



    Of the new avatars TNT's released, I think this is one of my favorites!




    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Blumaroo- Fire!' as an avatar on the Neoboards!

  9. Dear Starfire,


    Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 359). You have won 1295 NP!


    Because you were in the first 250 to guess correctly, you also have been awarded a Cup of Borovan Plushie, and receive a trophy and the Lenny Conundrum avatar!


    Yours Sincerely,

    The Neopets Team!



    yay! I really thought I'd never get this one, but last weeks contest was surprisingly easy laughingsmiley.gif




    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Ace Zafara' as an avatar on the Neoboards!


    man that av is sooo much easier to get when you have a real mouse XD

  10. /nods/ I think Neopets is rigged to reward new accounts with looser REs, and then the more an account ages, the more far-between the REs are.




    Agreed! My account is 9 1/2 years old and random avatars haaaaate me. It took me like a 5 days of refreshing for a couple hours a day to get the Mutant Graveyard one. XD


    I don't think I'll ever get discarded plushie, geraptiku tomb, or the blumaroo jester/king skarl one, I just have no luck with stuff like that.

  11. If you're an avatar collector, your pet must be at least level 2 in order to play deadly dice (which also has a chance of raising/lowering their level) to get the Count Von Roo avatar. So I would say it's a good idea to have at least one pet about level 1. Also, if you ever want to trade your pets, having higher stats gives you a better chance of getting good offers, especially if the pet is BN or VBN.

  12. Pirate is an expensive color, and it sounds like the Lupe is WN so I think you'd have a fair shot at re-trading. However, UC pets are harder and harder to come by, and faerie UC's are even tougher to find (I've only ever seen 1 UFT on the neoboards, on the AC). I think you might have an easier time getting a grey UC because grey isn't as expensive a color. You might also want to try the pound chat on neo, it might be better to try and arrange the re-trade before you trade your ixi for the lupe, if you're really set on getting an UC pet. Good luck trading!



  13. 2.png

    Name: SoaringInferno

    Status: UFT

    Requirements: I'm pretty flexible name wise, I'll consider BN and VBN pets if I like the color.


    Notes: The original owner pounded him to me instead of transfering like I had requested, so I didn't get the clothes (the bridle + bandages). He's also got an aged Morkou attached.


    Offer to Beat: WN maraquan kougra


    Looking for: maraquan shoyru, uni, or eyrie would be close to auto. Island pets run a close second (an island Uni would be auto). No Gnorbus or Buzzes, or Zafaras please. I'll consider all fair offers though.


    Either pm me here or neomail me at starfire17 to discuss offers. He's on my side, so I have transfers available both in and out for June.

    EDIT: traded, for a VWN (clothed) island kougra. I'm considering re-trading, so if anyone is interested please PM or neomail me with offers!

  14. I play for items, mostly the codestones and neggs. I got inspired to start training my pet regularly so free codestones are awesome. The neggs I either sell right away or cash at the Neggery and then sell either armoured neggs or cool neggs for profit. I got a biscuit paintbrush once, which is was a nice surprise but I haven't gotten any other paint brushes since then. For me the NPs are an added bonus :)

  15. Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Top Gamer' as an avatar on the Neoboards!



    I decided to sit down and just go through the entire list of games today and play every single one I hadn't played before. *dies* confused.gif




    You are now eligible to use 'Grey Wocky-Sigh' as an avatar on the Neoboards!

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