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Status Updates posted by Fableheart

  1. has just watched Inception. It is freaking awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jumpingbeans


      Wait....What? There's a camera in my room?

    3. Fableheart


      Yeah. We see EVERYTHING! Nice laptop you got there ^^

    4. jumpingbeans


      Wait...Wha....I don't have a laptop...

  2. Thanks ^^ Nah, s'ok. Only three of my friends actually remembered my b-day, so yeah xP

  3. Yep! And oh, I love your clay models! They're so accurate and realistic! (Well, as real as it can get...)

  4. Thanks ^^ I'm FINALLY 14.

  5. Bunny sez "Hi"

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      Hey guys. Guess what? Nobody cares what country is better.


      But considering the corruption in our government, as well as a shattered economy, and a decline in family values, I would say that the US is doing terrible. Canada is going MUCH better.

    3. Fableheart


      Jeez. Way to ruin the mood -.-

    4. jumpingbeans
  6. Hey Kai.

    Im semi-free these days, you might wanna talk t me about that custom lookie you wanted?

  7. You mean the moon-thing in the middle of the nav bar?

    gah, I was using an old computer so I had to use GIMP. The effect is pretty nice, but its position is wrong.

  8. Heh. Yeah, I haven't practiced my ul-making skills in a LOOONG time. I made my current on months ago, and its starting to look.... bleh.

  9. Ah. Well then, cross your finger and hope for the best!

  10. *revives*

    Have you found anyone else to do your lookup or are you waiting for until when I'm free?

  11. is having Monthlies this week. Wish me luck?

  12. starts school tomorrow and is tired. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGH!!!

  13. You are awesome Ian.

    Never leave your awesomeness behind.


  14. is happy because he achieved the "Zafara - Double Agent" avatar. :3

    1. Spritzie


      Congrats! I've yet to try for the expensive items.

    2. Fableheart


      Ah. But since you are TDN staff couldn't you be lent the item with reduced collat?

    3. Spritzie


      I have no idea. I have the collat for them. The only one I don't have it for, is the Meowclops. I'm on the waiting list for the Queen Faerie Doll.

  15. is making a guide for Cellblock.

  16. Hunting for avvies. If you have an avvie pet you're willing to lend, drop a PM please?

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