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Posts posted by shadows4fairy

  1. Ok first of all, What do you mean, OVER THE HARRY POTTER FEVER? *cough* :D


    On topic:

    I'm actually a fan of the books, and not the movies. That could be just because I like to read, but you have to admit that the movies were kind of low-budget for such big blockbusters.

    And I just want to add that a lot of the fanbase for twilight has shifted. A year before, or something like that, it was "cool" to like Twlight, now, it's just as "cool", if not more, to NOT like Twilight. Hardcore fans will probably always stay fans, but many people stopped liking it after a while.


    Oh and on that note, I read in the news, I think for the second movie, some random dude went to a movie theatre that was playing New Moon and then BIT this random girl that was just coming out from the movie theatre. Actually BIT. <== that is just crazy. *sigh*

  2. That shouldn't be it, because when you zoom, everything is re-positioned to scale.

    On the other hand, I don't see why you're having this problem...maybe try to buy something at the regular size? If that works, then you've narrowed down to the problem. :D

  3. Something I noticed that really p*ssed me off though was that he was able to move back and forth while in the air for a superjump, while my player could only go up or down while jumping. Argh. :grrr:


    I think that's because he's already heading in a direction before jumping. I've done the same thing in my games. :O


    Actually I quite like Superjump. If you time correctly, which is very hard to do and not advised to those of you who already have difficulty, you can "spike" the ball.


    *cough* pro *cough*

    I think it'd be easier to just try to smash the opponent in the first round and hope for the best in the second. :D

  4. I kinda try to wait and see if I get any 100-point Grundos before starting to kill the rest. Sometimes you get lucky, but most of the time you're wasting time.


    Yeah, you definitely need those bonus Grundo robot things or else there's just no way. And I'm not sure if this is a skill, but hey, I think I'm getting better at reading things backwards ;P


    Anyway, just play consistently and with some luck, you should be able to get the avatar. <= applies to me too xD

  5. I've been playing since 2003 ( I think ) you can check if you feel like it lolz



    Anyway, I'd say I've only played for maybe a year if I didn't count the breaks in between. I keep coming back mostly for the people and I guess it's a bit nostalgic since Neopets was the first game I ever joined/played. (a little sad? maybe xD)


    I actually spent quite a bit of time on Maplestory xD And then when I quit that, I took a bit of a break from games, and now I'm back to neo :3

  6. I'm with the people who think it's randomized. I haven't ever gotten what I was supposed to by going at the times listed and I've gotten things at random times so I always just go whenever now. :D


    @KB24 The reason why there's a lapse in some of your tabs is because you've pressed the back button or perhaps visited the page only a minute or so before. This shouldn't apply to Coltzan's Shrine since you'd only go there once a day, and there'd be no reason to refresh.

  7. @DoeRan I agree with you that the 8 games a day thing is a bit too much; however, I can live with it since you really don't have to play all your games everyday 8 times, it's just possible for you to do so. Something I just started doing recently for this is to open all the games I usually play and then play each one 1 or 2 times, move on to the next, and so on until I finish them.


    To be truthful, I think that the people who play games as a way of earning neopoints are those who don't have much to begin with. At least, amongst my friends, the uber rich ones sit around, talk, restock, talk, and buy stuff, and talk (lol :P) and the not so rich would play games, talk, play games, talk, play games. I realize that talk is in there a lot :P Anyway, the point is that there's no reason to deprive the poor of a few extra k neopoints! :3


    And I'm sorry to hear about your account being hacked. It really happens too often, but there's not much you can do against it besides using more secure passwords and not giving them out to ANYONE, I'm sad i have to say this, but that includes your friends.


    Oh and, btw, the 8 games thing is only for april, I don't think it's permanent. Hopefully that makes you feel better :3

  8. Nah, Krawks never get released, you have to have the petpet to transform it or something (I'm not 100% sure on how that process works) but there's no way you can simply adopt them. Unfortunately D:


    @flyingevee I really don't have much experience with the market, however, wouldn't everyone know that prices are inflated due to the increase in game scores sends? and then nobody would buy...effectively keeping the prices low? =/

  9. I looked at your pets, and you're lucky cause their levels are all pretty much evened out. I kinda have to train my pets...(till like lvl 50-ish T_T) cause when I played ages ago in elementary school, I never bothered with the battledome and kept on randomly zapping my pets so now their HPs are ridiculously high while everything else is....not good xD


    And I'm pretty sure there's loads of people in the same situation ;p

  10. Ok this might be weird (prolly is) but I really like typing xD


    Which means, this is actually one of the games on my favourites list. However, I don't have the avatar yet D: It's more chance than anything (like a lot of things on neopets) because you need to get those bonus robot things or else there's just no way to get that high of a score.



  11. @Shadows4fairy: have you at least tried playing one of the games? I'll admit the cards and anime got kinda dull for me...but I always come back for the games because they're just so fun ^_^ Usually it's the games that get people to gain an interest in Pokemon from what I've seen ^^


    Well truthfully, I've only played one of the really old versions on my friends...portable gaming console... (wow I seriously don't know much about video games xD) and that was quite a few years back. I think all I did was walk around, fight/catch some Pokemon and that was it. Iunno if they made them better, but my only experience with it was definitely not anything to brag about. The cards...I had one of the egg thing I was talking about cause my friend knew I really like them and gave me that one, but otherwise, yea..not interested xD


    And finally, the anime would have been the only thing that caught my interest for more than a moment. I think I watched a season of it sometime back in grade school.



  12. *pokes head in*


    ew pokemon... :baaasmiley:


    Never really like Pokemon...don't kill me! Though I like that kinda pointy headed egg thing...that that girl with the orange hair carries around xD


    sry I don't know much about Pokemon.


    And Whoa Super Squirrel, you're not obsessed at ALL. xD


    Ok toodles~ :bike:

  13. Flaw: While you were busy typing all the zeroes, a lone meepit managed to escape your notice. He's found the key and unlocked your prison by now. They're all coming to attack you. 0:)


    Solution: I jump in and save you from the meepit mob with my awesome psychic powers. b)

  14. It's not really something you use for something uber expensive...unless it's uber rare too or something.


    If you make it private, only your neofriends can bid on it. It's usually used among friends to give away random things for fun ;3


    And the person above already explained how to do it 0:)

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