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Posts posted by Ranluka

  1. While I've been a staunch supporter of keeping all NC items untradeable, I"ve gotten back into Gaia this week, and I think I've changed my mind. (they added a MMO while I was gone!!)


    Although giving people the ability to sell NC items would give them an unfair advantage in some respecs, it would also give us cheep buggerss a means to get the items we desire. It certainly would allow more folks to participate in NC events, as those with cash would buy extra to sell on the Shop wiz

  2. Theres a pretty wide selection of items. Talking to people who actually buy the stuff, the limiting factor is how much they are willing to spend , not how many items are available to buy.

    "I promised myself only one $10 gift card per week!"

    As for us cheepskates, well I've been know to waste money on this sorta thing -cough gaia-. And on a regular basis, but that was at a 5 bucks a month budget for two items. Both of which were only available for one month, you knew what they were and where fully tradeable to others. And the items where always GOOD items. You got a choice of two and each one could be worn multiple ways.


    Neopets on the other hand seems to have an event almost every month, and each time it's 17 bucks, 20 bucks, ect. The items make me go "meh", can only be worn in one fashion and can't be sold to other players. Even with a gift box it's against TOS to do anything but gift them. Frankly, I'm just not fealing the motivation to drop the cash.

  3. i have 5 transfers for an 8 1/2 years old account.. nice!

    but sadly, i don't really use them much except for avatar purposes..

    does this mean TDN Avatar Lending Program will allow us to take part in more than one lending chain per month then?

    that'd be awesome, hehe. i still have some pet related avatars yet to achieve.. happy.gif



    I'm trying to resist the urge to message them about it, since they probably got swamped with requests the second this was announced. Probably gunna take a bit to decide what sorta new rules/scedule they want to adopt if any.

  4. 1. 150-200 is just as ridiculous!


    2. Becausseee not all wearables are awesome. You're gambling with the idea that you will like what you get as much as you would like something you picked out yourself.


    3. Since when can you trade NC Items? -has some crappy randomly awarded capsule items she's like to trade-


    4. Sure they would! Items arn't sold individualy, they're sold in 5, 10 or 20 dollar cards. The majority of people who currently spend would spend about the same (some people spend ridiculous amounts, did you see the tiara someone made out of the cards?), and people who are cheap like me would be more inclined to pick up a $5/$10 card. They would just get more of the items. (which doesn't hurt neo in the slightest since the items once designed cost ziltch)


    Expecially kids with allowance, if their blowing their 10 bucks a week on it now, they still will, they will just get more bang for their buck.

  5. However, you get 20 items from that one ticket. That's approximately 85 NC (or 85 cents) for each item, which actually is a pretty good deal.


    Eh. Some of the stuff IS kinda pricey, but honestly, I don't think there would be THAT much more people buying NC even if it was cheaper. Let's face it, the general idea of buying something that isn't real is a very unattractive one, especially in these tough, economic times and especially since we all remember a time when Neo and pretty much all sites like it were either entirely free or pay-to-play. :/



    85 cents for what is essentially a random item is kind of ridiculous honestly. Honestly a site event bundle like that should cost 5 bucks, tops. If they left the other prices alone, people would flock in to get "cheep" NC items.


    mall_downwithnc_flag.gif I do find this amusing, too bad it's 50 bucks xD

  6. You have two options, one is to be PATIENT and put it up in the trading post for TP price or slightly lower. (570k is hte lowest atm)


    You other option is to SIGNIFIGANTLY undercut and post in the Trade forums. (don't post the undercut price in the trading post, you'll just drive the price down) Advertise it as 500k and you should get offers from people who want to resell it at full price. They might offer you less then that, but if you can get at least 450k, I would go for that.

  7. I got zeeroooo right ><


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