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Posts posted by redfire77

  1. ooohhh!! magical plushies :mellow: i want the desert one. and I like the camo krawk, its different from the other camo colors. but the maractite is just meh. -_- it looks like any other maractite pet

  2. So I don't know if anyone else has noticed this if they have multiple accounts. But I completed the 3rd quest on 2 different accounts and both of them had the exact same pattern for the slugawoo collecting. I know that it was said to have been different for every account, but perhaps there is a time related configuration to it. I don't know. Just a thought.


    why are you doing this on a side account?! you could get frozen :sad01_anim:

    but anyways, tdn's guide made this SUPER easy! awesome.

  3. try restarting firefox, if that doesnt work, use chrome or safari. and if that doesnt work reinstall it. and it THAT doesnt work restart your computer. and if THAT doesnt work.... I dont know :P good luck

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