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Posts posted by kiiyytco

  1. Late to the party, but I'll share anyways!


    I got my license shortly before I turned 19. I had taken the test once when I was 16 and failed and then hadn't gotten around to retesting until I had finished my first year of college. I had to retake driving school because it had been so long since I had first completed it. I was really nervous when I went to retake the test. I woken up early and had driven the hour to the nearest DMV (middle of nowhere GA, y'all) to be there when they opened. And then I waited. And waited. Finally, they call me up and tell me I can take the road test.


    I go, meet the tester, and we start the parking lot portion of the test. I pass it easily, get positive feedback from the tester (he was a really friendly guy), and then we move onto the actual roads. Now, in North GA, a lot of the roads are winding and not well-lit. There are a lot of places where you have to do some weird things to make a turn. I ended up testing on one of these roads. I like to think that I did I good job of not showing that I was panicked, but I was freaking out on the inside. The tester tells me to turn left at the next road. I get to the road and it is the weirdest thing I have seen in my life. There seems to be no possible way to make this turn without briefly driving in the other lane (automatic deduction/fail). The tester is looking at me to see how I'll handle it and I just think "Not this time." I drive forward, slightly pass the turn, and then sharply cut the wheel to try to make it. And it worked. I ended up in the proper lane and did not cut the corner. The tester just stared at me for a second and then put down his clipboard and started a slow clap.


    I finished the route back to the DMV. He got out, shook my hand, and gave me my pass papers.

  2. Congrats! That does sound like a superproductive day!


    I think today was my lucky day too! I was just puttering around looking for outfits for my pet and bam, Fountain Fairy. All up in my page. My dreams of a Strawberry Gelert are finally within reach!

  3. If you're an avatar junkie, then definitely. Don't stop 'til you get 'em all. Otherwise, it's a matter of preference. There's a change at (almost) all of them for a significant gain, but whether or not you want to risk it depends on the person.

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