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Posts posted by ThisIsJ

  1. I'm not at all a religious person...but I went to a Catholic school for two years, and this topic totally just reminded me about how we had a morning prayer every morning. And someone from the 8th grade class would have to say it over the intercom to lead the whole school. Totally forgot about all that until I saw this question.

  2. I used to be in love with the Las Vegas CSI. I stopped watching it around the time that Grissom was leaving, and I could never get back into it.

    On some rainy day, I'll probably try watching it again.

    But for whatever reason, major casting changes have always turned me off of shows. (House & ER to name a few..just couldn't stick with them after the people changed too much.)

  3. Ryan, Despicable Me is put out by Universal Pictures.

    I thought it was pretty good. Definitely worth watching.


    I am feeling so lazy tonight. I almost wish I had a novel to read and do a paper on. (Kidding.) But I do need to start a new book.

  4. I think this is kind of cool for the people that care about facebook. Most businesses (around here anyway) have their own facebook page, so I'm not sure why it's bad or surprising that something like Neopets would have one. If you don't like/want it, you can just turn it off, so it's not as though it's hurting anyone.

  5. I've never been a big fan of watching tv shows on a regular basis, but I've really gotten into a few shows lately. Those would be: Park & Recreation (I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a show), Modern Family, and Community. I also watch My Strange Addiction and The Dog Whisperer...but those don't have plots, so..I'm never too worried about seeing them every week.


    What do you guys watch?

  6. Eh, it is 19 degrees here right now. I always like winter at first..but after we had three really warm days, I'm just not okay with the cold and snow again.


    I'm looking forward to DD this year. I actually have the time to put some serious effort into it this year, so I'm hoping I can get a good trophy and prizes.. =)

  7. Hope may spring eternal for an amazing trophy before DD starts this year, but every one of us has 'that' game. The game we know will kill our chances at going for the gold. The one that makes us want to quit the whole thing because it's so impossible.


    Mine is probably Meepit Juice Break. I'm just so incapable off getting a good score.


    What's yours?

  8. Wow, some of you guys have crazy numbers. I think the most I had was about 5 mil..then I spent a lot and stopped saving..and I just bought the lab map yesterday..so now I'm down to about 2mil. Plan is to save up for the adam av, and then...guess I'll see where I am.

  9. I started trying fot this one about 6 months ago...and have spent 1,000 on it nearly every day since. ((Just did the math and that's about 180,000)) Yuck. I would say that I have really bad luck with all the random avs, but in the past week I've gotten the game graveyard, the haiku, and the discarded grundo plushie one...so maybe my luck is changing. I just haven't been wanting to spend too much on it because I'm going to be buying the last few pieces of the lab map..and I don't need to spend all my nps right now.

  10. Ooh I do not miss getting up for classes. Used to have to be out the door and in the car by 7:30 in order to make it to my 8:15 classes. Now, even getting up ay 8 to get to work for 9 is hard. I'm a total night person, and I always have been...so I'm not sure how I ever did that lol.

  11. Last August, I was going to purchase Gourmet Cooking For Your Pet so that I could get the Chef Bonju avatar. Then I realized that the prices on it were way up in August, so I decided I'd just wait to do it. Now, it's February, and I've been looking at investing into it now.


    My question is...it seems to be going for about 45k right now. Does anyone think it would get any cheaper? Or is now the time to buy it?

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