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Posts posted by Silent&Sullen

  1. The variety of things to do. A little while ago, I've been bouncing from site (Millsberry, Club Penguin, OurWorld) and each time I ran into a common problem: the lack of things to do other than just play games and earn money. When I wandered into Neopets, I was worried that the best things are saved for the members who have irl money to pay while the rest of us were just teased with scraps. As I clicked around, I ran into the stock market. From then on I was sold.


    I like to play games, but not all the time. I like participating in other things too, y'know?


    Just like the majority of the people above, I like to collect. Avatars, stamps, any kinds of items that catch my interest. And the stock market. If I ever get enough money to start really be involved with the Battledome, I'll start messing with that too, but for now, I'll just keep losing to the Chia Clown guy. ^_^;

  2. Wikipedia is a great place to start if you know not much about your topic. It can help guide you to which information you need. Just don't ever let the info you find there influence the rest of your search.


    For your own entertainment, the majority of the main wikis are great places for general information, due to how the members patrol each and every edit, but if you want dates, specific numbers, etc then don't bother with them.

  3. Or, there's theory #2: It just looks cool. It doesn't mean it's actually worth more than the other books, just means it's much more beautiful looking (nice for galleries I guess), ha.


    In my opinion, buying things that came from the advent calendar defeats the purpose...


    Question: What does the super attack pea actually do, anyway? I've always been curious.


    EDIT: A lot of things that are 101 rarity are less 5 NP. *shrug*

  4. *eye twitch* Am I the only one whose computer spazzes out when they play on the chocolate board?


    Anyone? C'mon guys, misery loves company!


    UPDATE: Now I can't ever play the minigames with everyone else. My computer always starts a few seconds later and the general gameplay is completely slowed down. Two days ago this wasn't a problem. Is there any way at all to fix this?

  5. Whoa, with all these horror stories, I'm glad I don't bother with coding or talking on the forums.


    The find and replace (f-bomb and others of that, uh, caliber should freely be blocked out completely, though) is the best option, in my opinion. I understand not being able to have mods er... mod everything, but bots are really unreliable, especially the ones that seem to think the phrase "...as bad as..." is subjecting our children to profanity.


    For now, I'll just use notepad or Word on the off chance I'm coding something.

  6. I carry nothing in my inventory, I fear the Pant Devil much more than any glitches. I quick stock everything to my SDB.. it's very full but the search option is a lifesaver.

    Saaame. Ever since the Pant Devil stole my omlette (thankfully nothing more important), everything goes straight to my SDB.


    In my inventory, I only keep:

    Purple Toothbrush

    Hula Girl Usuki

    Usuki Summer Fun Set

    Dung Shelf

    Giant Green Kelp

    Pinixy Keyring

    Yellow Kougra Plushie

    2/3 Sausage and Pepperoni Omelette


    The Omelette is only there because I was feeding my pets earlier. Don't know why I always keep those few items on me at all times. I just do.


    Though, I had a codestone at one point get lost in the shuffle. Oh well.

  7. Alo, very new here and over at Neopets. Got enough of going at it alone, so I came here to you beautiful people. :)


    Faerie Queen wants her Deluxe Acara Cracker.


    Q: Faerie Quests are completely untimed, correct? As in, I'll be able to come back a week later and keep looking? I'm a little paranoid that if I come back tomorrow, she'll be gone, haha.

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