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Posts posted by Ethan

  1. For game avatars, I have Dice Escape, Mr. Grumps, Ace Zafara, Capara, Chia Bomber, Cliffhanger-Game over, Evil Eliv thade :D, Gormball, grand theft ummagine, Illusen's glade, IOM hog, Library Faerie, Magax, Master Vex, Mediocrity, Meepit v Feepit, Shapeshifter, Skeith-Snargan (all luck), Spike it, Sutek's Tomb, Whack a kass, misfortune :) my current targets are dubloon disaster and meerca chase

  2. At the collosium, i am trying all the combinations to the punch bowls to make the golden cup move to the right so I can find the constalation on it. But I have tried all possible combinations but nothing happens! AM I doing something wrong? Could someone explain in detail how I am suppossed to click the bowls?


    Hey, are you refreshing after each combo? because the first time I did the punch bowls I had the same problem, until I refreshed after I did each combo :) (eg, 111, refresh, 112, refresh, etc)

  3. Figures just as I got the 99000 in Spellseeker. :( Hope the score doesn't error out and make me do it again ><

    Man, I really hope it gets back up soon... Btw, I saw you're doing spellseeker, I may have some tips for you. Do you use numbers, symbols, or letters? using numbers works really well, because if you have one bonus tile, every number after that gives 1200 points ^_^ I think I got around 130000 using that strategy b)

  4. Oh seems like I hadn't read the entire post *cough*. I'm sorry.


    Cloud Raiders is an annoying crappy (sorry) game, if you ask me. But here's how to get 1000 points:


    - Play the game on LOW quality, so change the URL from "high" to "low"

    - Turn sound and music off.

    - Click the blue button, next to the red one on the top right corner. This way you won't see any surroundings and it's easier to see your drawing line.

    - Try to draw continues lines for your ship rather than just staying over or under it.

    - Try to get as many points as you can in the first level. Something around 400-500 is best.

    - You actually get points for bumping into an enemy, but it's not reccomended.

    - You can click on the bullets of a pirate ship to make it go away, so you won't get hit.


    Good luck!


    Thanks for the tip! normally this game runs really slowly on my comp, but when I turned off all the special graphics, it moved so much faster :graduated:

    and thanks for the advice on clicking on the bullets

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