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Posts posted by xSoappp

  1. I love marketing. Well, not really, but I like saving up money.

    I've been saving up for a Secret Lab Map and I bought it recently. ^^

    It's pretty cool.

    Other than that, Plushie Tycoon. <3

    I used to like collecting avatars but after about a month, I stopped. o__O

  2. Ohh! I love Clannad. I heard about it from my cousin, who came over for the weekend a while back.

    We were talking about it and he told me how he burst out in tears.

    Well, he's a pretty 'big' guy, so I couldn't imagine how sad it would be;

    We watched it and cried.

    It was really sadd. D:

  3. I keep junk in there. o__o

    I never actually got anything important stolen from the Pant Devil, since all my stuff is in my SDB.

    I intend on letting the Pant Devil steal whatever is in my inventory; I'll attempt to befriend this blue devil.

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