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Posts posted by Fabala

  1. Well, I actually donated 200nps a day (4 times of 50np). Which wasn't really a big deal (considering I only just pull the lever of doom 8 times, instead of 10. :P) but I was quite surprised when TNT made my wish come true so quickly! (At first I thought they were neomailing me to follow up on my NT submission. xD)


    I should also give you again the advice to not give up! Meghan's tips really did the trick for me too. :)


    Did you make all four wishes at the same time, or spread them out throughout the day?

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your score of 24,040 beats the score of 22,001 by S750 Kreludan Defender Robot in the BETTER THAN YOU competition! You have won 3,000 NP, a cool trophy and a great item! Well done!


    And got the avatar! :D


    Also, just now at Wheel of Mediocrity - Way to go! You win 1,000 Neopoints and an avatar!!!

  3. Agreed that luck's a major factor. It took me a few games to really get the hang of the hand, and make sure I was consistently pressing the right key for it to go where I wanted, but after that you've still got to hope you don't end up with petpets that go opposite ways.


    I played it a while last week, trying to get Better Than You, and managed to get the Florg avatar with 252 points. I got up to 250 one other time, but other than that still mainly ranged in the 100s somewhere.

  4. Okay so now that we know that you don't have to have a negative percentage, I'm at a loss as to what to invest in. I want to invest in high stocks to get the avatar as fast as possible, but I don't want to lose a lot of np. I have just under 200k invested. at what price do you think I should invest? 20? 25? 30?


    It's basically random whether stocks go up or down. The best way to make money from the stock market is to buy at 15, and don't sell until it's higher. If you're starting out, people suggest selling at 30 (a profit of 100%, basically doubling your money), but waiting until it's higher earns you more (if you wait until 60 to sell, it's a profit of 300%).


    So the higher you buy your stocks, the less money you'll make. Buying at 30 will help you get the avatar faster, but there's also more room for the stock to fall, meaning it's more likely you'll lose np. People are usually looking to start selling around 30 to make a profit, but you'll be waiting for it to reach there just to break even (because, chances are, the stocks that you bought while they're high to get the avatar will have fallen by the time you're looking to sell).


    There's no fast way to get the avatar and not lose money. Basically, you can buy high, get the avatar fast, and then wait a long time for your stocks to rise again so you don't lose np. OR, you can buy low, take longer to get the avatar, but ultimately you'll make a better profit as well.

  5. The ray is fired at _yeromyhero_...

    ... and she doesn't change at all :(


    Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Sir Bob of Geraptiku for you and you head home.


    Do you really want to come back tomorrow?


    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Petpet Laboratory' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



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