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Posts posted by zhao

  1. I would really love how you deduced that. If it were dying, they wouldn't be having issues with how many of us are on the site. Also, there has never been just one person working on something. There's no way. And they're most certainly making enough money for companies to want to buy it, and we keep buying premium and NC. Oh and don't forget ads, for those of us who don't block them out of necessity (there are too many flashy gifs and they make my head hurt)


    I already wrote about the various issues going on in about three different threads so I won't rehash here you'll just all have to find the posts on your own. The short answer is: we are Legion for we are Many. This puts a strain on resources, there was poor planning and etc., etc.,


    As for an answer to the OP 'poll': it's more like option C. This really doesn't have a lot to do with actual skill with programming.


    Not really. These days there are under 4000 people online, even on weekends. The lag may have contributed to this, but even before the lag started, I was seeing ~11000 online on average, which is less than half of back in the old days. I remember there was a time when there were consistently 25000+ users online. That's why viacom bought it for 160 million 10 years ago. Neopets currently valuation is farrrr lower than that. Jumpstart is a tiny company, while the amt sold was undisclosed, they probably paid 1/10th the amount of the original price.


    And guys/girls, the one person statement was an exaggeration, obviously it's more than 1. I was just stressing the point that they mostly likely have a small team


    And the economy of the site is whack now lol. I see websites selling neopets for 4$ per million. Back in the old days it was way. Even at minimum wage that's like 1.7 million neopoints per hour of work. Work 8 hours and its 14m!

  2. Does anyone know why some color paint brushes are so expensive and others are not? IE Brown Paint brush vs Red or Blue paint brush. They are just single colors yet Brown is so much more expensive..

  3. do NP actually take the time to check each one and then remove it? I remember glitch also happened during the dare or something and massive # of prizes were given out like Dr Sloths Collectibles and those books and i dont think they did anything about that

  4. there is one for auction for 99000 np. Ending in less than 30 minutes with no bids.. Chances are a rarity 83 item, if it does nothing and is used for nothing, the price will plummet very soon.


    Edit: Turn out it's not that rare in restocking so price will def drop

  5. I just signed up.. I dont think i like it that much.. there's really nothing to do on it now that I registerd haha and it looks kind of messy.. And i forgot I'm not allowed to search for paintbrush/map piece etc with the super shop wizard, but that's normally basically what i search for -_-

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