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Posts posted by imxsorryxixam

  1. You sound just like one of my friends! she is obsessed with squirrels!




    I'm going to see that Sqeakuel movie with my freinds Alexis and Savannah tomorrow and for my wishlist.


    A bunch of new books (I know for a fact my mom has ordered 4 books in the mail so far)

    A hoodie that says "Warning: Beware of killer squirrel"

    Squirrel shirts

    A squirrel crosing sign

    A few video games

    Random squirrel stuff

    A lava lamp(So distracting. My science teacher has one. o.o)

    Computer chair


    Book shelves

    More furniture

    And a bunch of other stuff I don't remember



    I always make long lists so I won't know what I get.

  2. Christmas is almost here!

    (If you dont celebrate christmas then please dont find this offensive)

    What are your christmas plans?

    What did you put on your christmas list? ;D

    Or.. If you dont celebrate christmas what do you plan on doing over winter break. :D

  3. Seeing how my BPB is ~600k and TP's price for Fire Techo Morphing Potion is 800k, I think its worth it. But isn't Fire Techo Morphing Potion a very HTS?


    morphing potions are almost always more HTS than PBs. It really depends on how good of a reseller you are. If you are pretty good then I say go for it. If not.. well then. I dont know what to tell you.

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