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Posts posted by alida

  1. Don't consider it a lost cause. There are 363 options before you find the right date! Just keep trying.



    so that means I have 121 days until I find it out :[








    (i was so excited i forgot the rules, sorry staff)


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  2. aw, i know exactly how you feel. i've somehow been stuck with all of the touchy-feely teachers and they want papers based on personal opinions, life, etc. i always have an easier time with reasearch papers, not involving difficult thought processes. i guess it's good that i'm majoring mostly in ancient history and nothing too political... i might have to explode!


    i wish i had any soothing words for you, but sadly nothing seemed to work for me. i really couldn't get into any of the topics and it has nothing to do with disrespect from my peers - it's a completely uncomfortable position! good luck though, going the humanist route may be best for you.


    are you in secondary education or higher education school?


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  3. battledome is one of my favourite things x)


    the most important thing is training and strategy


    a good battledome set and faerie abilities are extremely helpful


    the 1st thing to do is train your pet


    this can be done in many ways

    for me, I used the lab ray and kitchen quests to train my pet. I supplement the training with schooling (I usually train level, strength and defence at the schools becase the lab ray raises my pet's hp alot, which can unbalance my pet's stats and make it untrainable--> I like balanced and trainable pets xD )


    If you're just going for the avatars, there's TONS of guides on beating specific challengers, so you really don't need to worry much about strategy since the guides give you good ways to defeat the challengers


    2-player strategies require more thinking, but you're only going for the 1-player avies, so don't worry about it. x)


    I don't battle much anymore on my new main with my new battle pet anymore, but I can still remember most of what I used to do x)


    is a lab ray a map? ... everyone keeps talking about it but i have no clue what it is.

  4. Hi Alida! I'm new to TDN as well.


    20 years, into dancing as well!! (what kind do you do? ie: competitive? performance? HH? Pointe?) I love horror movies also as well as books along the same genre.




    Have you made sure that your picture is the right size?


    welcome to you. :D


    modern ballet mostly, but definitely not for competitio, only for performance. i've been dancing since 5!

    i like reading but i don't really have the patience for it anymore - japanese horror films are probably my favorite, even when they're corny they still have at least some demeaning qualities. :]


    oh... and it doesn't say how large the image is supposed to be. it says x and y but no specifies.

  5. I have a few accounts that are reeeeeaaally old and I have done the same thing my dear! Put a false email and false birthdate....can't seem to log onto them. Check them out lol.. ----> 2estherandpaul2 , syberpunk14, toohottohandle_ .


    Sadness, but if you contact TNT and explain them the problem, they might be able to retrieve your information for you! I tried but my accounts were too old to get. :( They are lost forever in Neopets Interwebs.


    well i have used it recently but i guess if the password isn't secure enough you will have to put in a birth date. i kept putting off changing my password to something more secure and look at where i am! darn...

  6. hallo! i'm alida and i'm 19.

    i love video games, dancing, music, horror films, and of course Neopets. i'm in university for art restoration/humanities and love every second of it.


    quick question: why will it not allow me to upload a personal picture? o_O

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