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Posts posted by leashluvsluke

  1. William_Dur feels a strange tingling sensation and transmutates into a Green Uni!!!



    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Magical Kauvara' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    Yeehaa almost at 200, only 29 to go!


    Edit: Wait on, something else has happened! I got the evil blue fuzzle avatar. Wow I have been playing with that silly toy for so long yay!!

  2. The ray is fired at lexisixela...... and she changes colour to Christmas!! Hmm a Christmas Grundo. To zap or not to zap?


    Nothing for my petpet.


    Yesterdays actions were as follows (my comp crashed before I could log on to the forums :) )

    lexisixela gained 5 maximum hit points, and nothing for my petpet.

  3. The ray is fired at jada_prince...... and he changes into a Yellow Kyrii!!


    Nothing looks different about Your Ad Here but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 3


    hmph. I was hoping for my grundo to turn orange, not into a yellow kyrii :(

  4. So I am currently upto level 22 and I'm wondering, is it worth it? Should I continue? Obviously there are some good prizes, but has anyone actually ever got that far? How far has everyone else got and do you think it is worth it? I would love to hear your stories!

  5. Yesterday: My pet gained 2 hit points. My petpet is now known as "Frankie"

    Today:The ray is fired at jada_prince...... and she gains 5 maximum hit points!!!!

    Petpet - Frankie shall now be known as Help me eat. How nice.


    I couldn't get to the forums yesterday, I think there was something wrong with the server?

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