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Creeper unidog

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Status Updates posted by Creeper unidog

  1. jose rizal of course! i cant believe one of his books went into a famous brand

  2. and im like 4'2 or 4'3

  3. you pwn more than TBC today!!

  4. hi!!!im filipino too are XD

  5. HAPPY B-DAY!! ()( ._. )()

  6. oh and my friend shes taller than you and younger than me by 1 month she is 5'3

  7. you are 25?!?im 10 turning 11 lol

  8. i MISSED YOU!!*hugs*i am a dailyneopets zealot just like you before

  9. omg!you got my nickname!

  10. you are older than me

    lutarist jake

  11. hi crash^_^how are you!

  12. i agree..i very agree with levy

  13. nvm and congrats jubjubman

    ()( ^___^()

  14. ()( . __.)()Dillon why birthday?

  15. what an inappropriate username!

  16. welcome to the forums!

  17. ya know eric we can see you changed your display name in the "members display name history" so yah youre busted

  18. hi! get ready for more zorro fun! oh also ill add you as my friend:)

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