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About katemarch

  • Birthday 11/12/1996

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  • Location
    The USA

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katemarch's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

Hey There


my name is






Ive acualy been playing neopets for a long time, though i quit in 2008(homework,sleepovers,ect) , but i came back about a month ago, saying that my account wsa

disabled! It got me furious! So then there was only 1 new option left, create a new account.


I own some neopets merchandise, like a white doglefox and a rainbow poogle. I know there so old! I have some trading cards too, but theyre mainly the Darkest Faerie "expansion pack" or whatever.Hmmmmm.......Magazines.......Had a subsription, my fav. issue is The one with a plushie kacheek on it. Oh! Almost forgot! I own the Darkest Faerie Video Game. It took me forever but i finished it. I think I got the Roberta of Brightvale card with the game..... but it was back in 2005 and i was like 9 back then so I can't really remember every detail. But what I do remember is the day I got the game,best day of my life so far!



Other stuff about me..............I am taking theatre classes at my school, though it means I have to take 8th grade lunch at my school.(I'm in 7th) and I can't be in band :(. I play ummm.... 2 instument so far, Clarinet and Piano, but I got some book at the library on how to play the electric and acoustic guitar(I have both) and the violin(But I don't even own a violin, let alone even touched one). Has anyone anyone seen a acoustic base, theyre huge!!!(well to me) and I didn't even think they exsisted!!!


Enough my blabing, I guess i have to go, message me on neopets please, because I really want the avatar(again uhh).

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