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Status Updates posted by Sakeru_Kyori

  1. Irritated and bored.

  2. Join my guild guys! You'll love it! :P

  3. Let's go Thieves! Don't give up!

  4. Let's go Thieves!

  5. Looking for new guild members for the Black Lament!

  6. Looking forward to the AC! Go Shenkuu!

    1. hrtbrk



    2. Sakeru_Kyori


      Lol sorry Hrtbrk ^^ I had wanted to try Shenkuu this year but I didn't have the heart to change loyalties when the time to choose came up. DCer all the way I guess. Haha.

  7. Looking forward to the AC! Go Shenkuu!

  8. Need help with non-neopet Guild layouts.

  9. Never mind! GO Darigans!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥

  10. No way! Who do you think it is?

  11. Not yet T_T I was busy trying to finish the Altador Plot yesterday. Don't know when I'll be able to get on the computer again aside from stupid school, which I can't do anything here anyway.

  12. Oh, or are you not answering because the Faerie Doll is not yet available? ^^ Sorry for bugging you then if that is the case. Also, is there a waiting list for the Doll? How many?

  13. Oh, that sucks. And I know right, Summer is awsome. I love the Internet, I don't know what I'd do without it ^^ lol.

  14. Oh, well thats awsome ^__^ And yeah that is always a bonus for the holidays ^^

  15. Please try to answer my message to you. I'm really trying to get my Avatar count up.

  16. Proud of myself for finishing the Atador Plot and the first tasks of the Faerie Plot.

  17. Seeking guild members ;)

  18. Sweet ^^ I finally got the Halloween thme :P

  19. Thank you. Wolves are amazing.

  20. Thanks for the b-day comment, and that's awsome we have the same one ^^

  21. Trying to do the Altador Plot with limited access to the computer because of proxies T_T

  22. Umm, how long does it take for you to reply to avatar lending messages? I sent one yesterday.

  23. Welcomez ^_^ & love your profile pic.

  24. Wow I have updated this in forever XD Getting ready for the Neopet downtime for the Jumpstart transition thing :P yay.

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