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Chuck Norris

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Posts posted by Chuck Norris

  1. Im not really into the idea of cloning, I think that cloning someone is creating life, that part im fine with but there are countries out there that would go to the extreme and clone an entire army or make a country of clones. but as for the Cloning of food? I am fine with people cloning food because that way we can have animals in the wild not worrying about being killed for food, we can just eat from a test tube... YEAH!

    Creating life, well, it seems that there are more people on Earth then we can feed.

    Yeah, a whole Army of clones. Well, Clones are copies of people, so maybe they would act like the original person? In that case, it would be pretty hard to clone a willing Army.

    Food cloning, good idea, but it also depends on the ingredients, may be as dangerous as drugs, cloned food.

    Lol, good points.

    Thank you Mantis.


    EDIT: Mantis has told me basically what I wanted to know, I don't need this board anymore.

    Feel free to post, but know I won't reply anymore.

  2. 38, turning 39 in September


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  3. Yeah, I would love for them to change, but they won't.

    All the items are deflating in prices, good for buyers - not sellers. So Then everything would just become cheap junk that everyone who playes KQ has.

    yeah, and pet trading would be harder, since codestones are down, more people can afford them, so now you need to train more in order to have "good" pets.

    i honestly don't want them to change, and i don't think they will.

  4. im hesitant to speak of this, but... i also noticed once that i went to play the game "buryed treasure" and the price was 150np i dunno if thats due to the beads or not but its only happened once. its normally 300np. ^^''''' and no im not trying to start a rumor its something i noticed, next time it happens ill screen shot it.

    yeah, that only happens in November, its not the lutari beads.

    i would says all of them together are worth it.

  5. What is the Darigan Sword Of Death?

    I know featheralley owns it, and I know its worth more than 1 billion NP, and that there is only one in existence, and that its icons are unknown.


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  6. Hi Chuck Norris.. :P

    I thought you were the real one at first.


    I'm Lion, or Muffinman, a member of TDN Forums for about a year. ;)


    I like pancakes.

    Potato pancakes?

    That's a new one.

    Cna I haver some?

    Hi Muffinman!

    Lol, it's funny when that happens.

    And the potato pancakes are all mine!

    Bwahahhaha :P.

  7. Wow! :laughingsmiley: I didn't expect Neopets to come out with some new colors for these guys! Sweet! I'm not a big fan of the faerie one, but I like the rest of them! :yes:

    I think all of them are OK.

  8. I already used my Gnorbu vote, I am soooooooooo sorry.

    I get flooded with Neomails asking me to vote in the BC alot.

    And I obviously do vote for the people that ask me to.


    ..and if it's not I apologize!


    but if you have a spare Gnorbu vote for the BC this week, vote for mine?



    first time BC'in! :)


    thank you!

    Good luck in the BC!

    I don't like drawing very much (I prefer reading).


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  9. Yes, the clues are only on the forums.


    Don't be so sure of yourself, darkest faerie...my team is going to find UHN!


    He meant whether ALL the clues where available, not whether they are in forums only, I believe. Let's see what Native replies.


    Oh, and how many questions have we asked you?

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