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Posts posted by R00

  1. i think Dasher is going to retire last cup he said he was going to retire but he didnt because he didnt win the cup his goal was just for Krawk Island to win the Cup and in Altador Cup 4 he Achieved his goal so now that ol Dasher Soley is going to retire :crying_blow: but there might be another Krawk in the team i mean whats Krawk Island without a Krawk and now that were free from the Curse go Roo Island for the Cup!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

  2. my top 5 scoring players

    1.Lilo Blumario (RI)

    2."Dasher" Soley (KI)

    3.Layton Vickles (DC)

    4.Mirsha Grelinek (SK)

    5.Vonde Cayle (LD)


    my top 5 goalies

    1.Leera Heggle (LD)

    2,Reshar Collifey (DC)

    3.Garven Hale (KI)

    4.Lor Benneveldt (MI)

    5.Tonie Plessix (MQ)




    1.Gordo Gunnels(RI)

    2.Krell Vitor(HW)

    3.Oten Runeu(MQ)

    4.Ilsa Ellits (MD)

    5. Tormo "The Terror" Frein(DC) BELIEVE ME THIS LITTLE GUY IS TOUGH

  3. the Final have been announced :thumbsup:


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  4. i picked roo island because of their performance on the first cup i knew they were gonna win a cup and they did but just cause now we have the curse it dosent mean im going to change or something i stick with them like glue i know we may not win this year but maybe the next year we have a chance

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