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Krystal da Pixie Stick

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About Krystal da Pixie Stick

  • Birthday 04/03/1998

Contact Methods

  • AIM
    I dont have one

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York ^-^
  • Interests
    Drawing, computers, html, beaches, and other stuff I dun feel like listing.

Previous Fields

  • Neopets Username

Krystal da Pixie Stick's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

Hola peoples of TDN Forums ^^ I'm Krystal, and my friends call me a Pixie Stick because, well, some say I'm made of pure sugar, others say it's just natural, and the other-others say I'm colorful! They say that because I'm always hyper. Hehe


Some cool facts about me:

Fave Book: Books are boring, so I dun read them.

Fave Movie: Titanic, The Last Airbender, and Tuck Everlasting(Disney version)

Fave Website: Neopets and TDN

Age: 12



I'm currently saving for:

Island PB: 2mil out of 5.5mil

Faerie PB: 0 out of 4mil

Pteri Trans Potion: 0 out of 1.2mil


TOTAL: 2mil out of 10.7mil *fails*


Donate? ^_^

Shop: http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=jack_a_mole

Trades: http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=jack_a_mole

Auctions: http://www.neopets.com/genie.phtml?type=find_user&auction_username=jack_a_mole


UBs for sale:


Fire Shoyru Morphing Potion


TP: 3mil

MP: 3mil

OTB: 1.7mil

Haggle? a little


Striped Chia Morphing Potion


TP: 800k

MP: 800k

OTB: 450k

Haggle? a little


Golden Violin


TP: 370k

MP: 370k

Haggle? no, sorry.


Mail offers: http://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=jack_a_mole&subject=UB Offer



My sites:

- Krystal's YYB Guide: http://www.neopets.com/~Valcotra

- Everything Faerieland: http://www.neopets.com/~Alcoru

- The Savings Pact: http://www.neopets.com/~Sanmiria

- Tunvu's Application: http://www.neopets.com/~Soosa12


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