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Posts posted by freesia

  1. TNT really should upgrade their security. I wonder why aren't they doing anything about it.... All of us work hard to earn our NPs, trophies etc... If I cant get back my account (touch wood), I will stop playing neopets. No point playing and in the end, lose everything :sad01_anim:


    Thank you all for the good luck wishes! I do have a side but now not in the mood of playing until I get back my main account...


    Hi all,


    Just want to announce that I have gotten my account back after nearly 2 months of waiting!!! I thought I had lost my account forever T_T


    However, I had lost 100-200 items in my safety deposit box and more than 1 million NP worth of stocks. Oh well... *sob*


    Please TNT, I beg you pleaseeeeeee upgrade your security!



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  2. Thanks for all the encouragement! Really appreciate it 0:)


    And yes, my account is frozen at the moment. Hope TNT will un-freeze it soon. Too bad I wont be able to collect the advent calendar stuff during this period. Please let all my NPs, stocks, items, pets be intact *big sigh*

  3. Under an hr? Wow that's fast! I submitted 2 hrs ago and seems like my account is still not frozen??? By the way, how to tell that whether my account's frozen? Sorry for asking you so many questions...


    Mmm, now that I recall, I think I submitted a ticket instead of an abuse form 'cause it kept loading the Neopets Login page whenever I clicked the Abuse Form link.


    Got to go to bed now as I'm really tired after a hard day's work. But I doubt I'll sleep well.

  4. Thanks for your help Xepha! Just wanna know did your friend lose any items/neopoints after he got back his account? And how long did TNT take to respond and freeze his account after he submitted the abuse form?


    Sigh... I can't help but think why there are evil people on this Earth who like to hack accounts.... I have been playing for 4 years and spent lots of hours earning Nps, trophies, avatars, training my pet. I'm praying very hard that I can get everything back intact T_T

  5. Thanks Xepha. I've checked and my pets are still there. I don't have a gallery so I can't check. I have filled in the abuse form. Hope TNT will reply me soon. Sob...


    There's something weird. After I submitted the form, I tried to go to My Ticket to check but the page wouldn't load and just keeps going to the Login page...

  6. I tried to login with my username and password today but it keeps saying my password is wrong. When I sent a Forgot Password request through Neopets, I didn't receive any email from them after waiting for 30 mins. Has my account been hacked? I'm extremely worried... :(

  7. After 1.5hr of playing, I finally completed the maze *cries*. I saved 3 prisoners in the tunnels of the left cave entrance, headed back to Xandra and went into the right cave entrance. I got lost in the tunnels there after saving the last prisoner and it took me a loooong time to get out. I finally got out by closing my eyes and clicking the tunnels ramdomly. Lol. I've gotten all achievements except the Goo Whisperer. Here's my set:


    Vibrate - left leg

    Waver - right leg

    Ripple - right arm

    Pulse - right arm

    Undulate - left arm


    For the combination of 3 items, mine were pipe cleaners, gemstone and soup ladle.


    Might try to get the Goo Whisperer achievement later after my headache subsides.

  8. I just bought a Sun Dried Techo Claw for 200NP and I got the avatar!!! I'm so happy that I could get it at the 1st try :laughingsmiley: But I waited for an hour before I managed to buy anything at the Spooky Food shop...


    Best of luck to those who are still trying!

  9. I didn't read the comic at all and I proceeded to Brightvale. I got the link the 6th time I refreshed the page. Spent 1.5 hrs to get all the achievements. Could have completed the plot sooner if I didn't mix up "Cakes and Pastries" with Rainbow By Book category. But I got a minor healing scroll when I kept having my books knocked down by Yurble. It's quite an easy plot but it'll take some time to read all the instructions.

  10. Unfortunately I missed tier 1. Luckily I managed to qualify for tier 2 just before tier 3 started. I've reached the cap of 50 for the 1st monster but sadly, haven't gotten "Five of a Kind" and the battle faerie avatar.


    Oh by the way, the Step 3 - Into the Fray step guide on The Daily Neopets, the names of the Essence of Everlasting Apple and Bubbling Healing Goo prizes are wrong.

  11. After trying for 40 mins, I finally got out! I got my "Nox's Locks", "Fort Nox" and "And One For All". Gonna try later if I can get the "We All Scream".


    I just played a new game for 30 mins and I finally got the last "We All Acream"! Wooohooo!! I can finally go to bed now ^_^

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