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Posts posted by penguin8jess

  1. I picked Terror Mountain just cause I liked their colors! :) I probably would still have picked them if I had known about ranks cause I always root for the underdogs.

    This is a little off topic, but what is considered a good amount of scores to send in a day? I've never played the AC before, so I need a goal.


    I personally send 5 scores a game per day, which is the limit for earning Neopoints per game. :woot:


    I just finished playing all four games and I got Altadorian Archives. (It's a book).

  2. Wow. Somebody just offered me a million neopoints for something I bought for a few thousand, max, in the attic. Sick!


    Wow! What did you buy? :woot:

    I am hoping that I will be able to buy something from the attic soon, but as always I'm too lazy to be able to refresh my page every 7/8 minutes. Someday I'll get lucky!

  3. oh oops I didn't mean to rhyme in 1 and 3! I didn't realize I had time and crime at the end of a line!


    Thanks for the comments, everyone!


    Well, it's a good rhyme. :woot: I'm not a good poet as well so I can't offer good constructive criticism, but line Cornflakes said, "You can't rate art."


  4. I haven't managed to get anything yet but I honestly haven't tried much. I'm hoping after a while it's popularity will die down and everyone won't be trying at once.


    I agree. So far, every time I go to the attic, it just says "Oops! - We just ran out of items."


    So, I'll be waiting! :woot:

  5. I think that it's really good, nice flow and rhythm and also good rhyming. Just this stanza:


    Yet, then comes a time,

    When Max must run,

    Though he is innocent of any crime,

    Leaving behind "The Standover Man" and a rope to a dripping sun.


    All your other stanzas have lines two and four rhyming, whether this stanza has 1 and 3 as well as two and four. :woot:

  6. Do you mean this sign?


    Note: The Neopian Pound is not to be abused for financal gain.

    Selling Neopets, or profiting from abandoned Neopets is a freezable offence.


    In no way is the pet being sold, profited from or used for financial gain. I have pounded my fair share of pets and haven't been frozen.



    oh, ok sorry then. :laughingsmiley:


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  7. But then how do you guarantee the right person gets the item?


    I actually have no idea. I think that you can set up a private auction or something, but I'm not too sure how that works as I have never bought something from the Neopian Auctions.

  8. I play for items and consider the NP a nice bonus.


    I play expecting to win neggs or codestones, silver or gold key doesn't matter as much. obviously gold keys are better, because 4 is greater than 3, and there is also the option for better, rare prizes. I've won over 60 codestones from keyquest, and goodness knows how many neggs. yesterday i played i think 3 games of kq and sold off ~15k worth of neggs, on top of the NP earnings, and also got several codestones to add to my stash i use for training.


    That said, the night before i also won a speckled paint brush.. hehe. that was a nice surprise.


    The NP is usually around 800-1500 for me, which isn't a lot, but adds up over time. if i wasn't guarunteed that I wouldn't play, but you get good, sellable items often enough that it's worth the time for me, once i've played all my favorite daily games 3 times. That's how i've made my millions!


    i agree. i have gotten three paintbrushes from it so far, and made a total profit of over 600k! :woot:

  9. Nah, it's not a cheat. It would be a cheat if we could pick the prize we wanted... (and the had been shut down before because TNT thought it was a cheat, when it's just information provided by reading the source code. As you can read and see, it is BACK so it has nothing wrong with it :) )


    i agree. i only play the wheel of monotony in the hope to get a tyrannian paint brush, though, so that i can sell it and make lots on NP! :woot:


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  10. i don't mind it, mainly because it's so easy to get lots of neopoints from it :woot:


    saving up for a chokato TCG


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  11. True. I'm not sure why I didn't think of that. But I just wanted to see if anyone actually desired one, I guess that probably a no and I don't have the lab map yet so it won't do me any good there either. Thanks for the thoughts.


    if you keep adopting then pounding neopets, TNT will freeze you (see warning under the neopian pound sign). like sdcd, i just bought a 7k green uni morphing potion (haggling in the trading post pays off) and then went to the lab ray. it hasn't been changed yet, but patience will pay off!

  12. I managed to get the final couple of items for my packrat today, and also managed to get the taunt the Pant Devil avie in the same breath by taking everything out of my SDB! This does however mean that I am now selling everything off - I'm aiming to get enough for the Royal PB from the Hidden Tower so if anyone wants to pop by my shop all is good!


    And I promise you it's not all junk in there!!!


    congrats! i don't like putting junk in my SDB because it'll take SO LONG to clean out, so currently i have 456 items in my SDB, which means over 50% to go. UGH!!!

  13. no way! i've never bought any and probably never will. people THINK that their luck is improving on neopets once they've bought the beads, but it's not proven and because they're SO expensive i'm not willing to risk it.


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  14. I'm hoping for that too, especially since I don't understand how you can give more money than the limit when trading.


    most people just use neopets auctions for expensive items, as there isn't a price limit on auctions :woot:

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