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Posts posted by rocknriot

  1. My next big purchase you ask? Nothing much except for the whole Secret Laboratory Map set, I've yet to get Lab Ray Access. :P

    Some pieces can be more expensive than others, so why not save up for it?


    Ohhh, yeah, I need to get the lab ray too! How much does the entire thing cost, do you know?? I have no idea at all...

  2. What will your next big purchase be? Whether it's what you're saving up for, or what you're just working up the courage to buy, talk about it here!


    I just found out today that the striped paint brush is under 100k :woot: I have more than enough for it, it's just hard for me to part with all the money... but I desperately want a Striped Kacheek to replace one I once had!

  3. Wow! I had no idea they cost so much! But I mean, if you really like it I think any petpet is worth the neopoints! I don't think I could do it, though - I'm such a Scrooge when it comes to my neopoints! I can't even bring myself to buy a striped paint brush right now!


    I really, really like the Starry Meepit - it's sooo vibrant!

  4. Mmm, all this talk about coffee is making me crave Starbucks! :D


    I usually go for their seasonal drinks such as Peppermint Latte or Praline Mocha, but my REAL favourite there is Dark Cherry Mocha. Unfortunately, they didn't have it last year. ;___; But, oh well~ Life goes on. XD When it's not Christmas season, I go for the mixed drinks like Honey Orange Latte or something like that. I rarely just get pure coffee. ^_^



    I love the seasonal drinks too!! I love trying new things so I get really excited whenever new drinks come out!

  5. I have a lot of grammatical pet peeves. I've stopped correcting people because I don't want to be annoying, but I still notice every time someone uses "good" as an adverb, uses the wrong "your" or "their", etc.


    I also hate when people misuse sayings! I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but I've got a friend who constantly uses common figures of speech incorrectly. It drives me insane!


    I'm also disgusted by nose blowing. Sniffling can be annoying, but hearing someone blow their nose is nauseating.

  6. I think it might be too late to apply to SUNY schools for Fall (my girlfriend has already heard back on her application), but you could always try to apply for next Spring Semester!


    I'd also definitely recommend going to college that isn't just a community college, living in the dorms, etc etc. The school I go to (FIT, a SUNY school) keeps me super crazy busy because their program for my major is really intense, so I haven't really been getting as much of "the college experience" as my friends at other schools have been - but it's still been an incredible experience learning to live on my own. It's kind of like the real world but with training wheels, since you're living on your own but you've still got a lot of things being taken care of by the school (and your parents, if they're willing) so you don't have to worry about quite as much as you will once you've graduated.

  7. I'm "spiritual but not religious", as they say, so I don't have any sort of prayer from the Bible and like Viridian, only pray when I'm particularly thankful for something or in need. However, once I was walking down the street and overheard someone say, "Today is a gift." That may not even have been what he said, but it's what I heard, and I really like that sentence - I kind of repeat it to myself whenever I'm having a bad day, to remind me of all the things to be thankful for in every single day. Maybe this is more of a quote than a prayer, but to me it has strong spiritual significance so...I guess I'll post it here, haha.



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  8. I have what I call "color OCD"... I'm very big on things being in rainbow order. When I was a little kid and got those enormous Crayola packs of crayons with tons of crayons in them and opened it up and they were all random...AHH! I had to fix them all into rainbow order. As a result though I have a very high color acuity, which means I can be VERY exact in my ordering of colors! Through this I've also gotten pretty good at guessing hexidecimal colors off the top of my head, though I suspect I've lost a fair amount of this skill since I haven't needed to do it for years.


    Interestingly enough (or maybe not), I'm pretty bad at mixing colors with paints. I grew up coloring on the computer (Photoshop, oekaki, etc) so I always mixed colors using RGB light values, never actual paints. I'm really bad at that!

  9. I should be doing a thousand things right now!! But what I've got planned for today is to do the homework for a drawing class, which means... well, drawing. Which I love but I have SO MUCH TO DO!!! (Which is why I'm on here instead.)


    Actually, the reason I'm on here is that my girlfriend/roommate is still asleep, which means I don't want to turn the lights on and wake her up. Also my marker box is incredibly noisy. So you see, I actually can't do my homework!! It's not my fault!! :guiltysmiley: :sad01_anim:

  10. I just posted in the "are you a day person or a night person" thread and it got me thinking about one of my favorite things...coffee!!


    So all of you coffee drinkers out there, what kind of drink do you like? Where do you get it, or do you brew it yourself?


    If you tried to create the exact kind of person who drinks a ton of Starbucks, it would be me... born in Seattle (the birthplace of Starbucks), living in New York (a Starbucks on every block, always full of people), and studying to be in the fashion industry (where everyone runs on a constant supply of caffeine)! But secretly the taste of pure coffee is too much for me... so I like drinks like mochas!


    My favorite drinks from Starbucks (try these if you want, they're great!) are white chocolate peppermint mochas, dark cherry mochas, and the "zebra mocha" (half white chocolate, half dark chocolate). These are both delicious! But lately I'm on a diet so I've been getting nonfat mochas instead... :guiltysmiley:

  11. I think lining the pets up at the top like that is genius! It's a really clean, functional design, whereas I think the one you linked to was a bit cluttered and felt like it was "trying too hard" to me. I really like the efficiency of this winner's lookup!

  12. This is a fun post to list things that neopets has failed at, such as glitches or problems.


    To start us off, search "headache" in the search box and look at the third item. Pretty funny stuff there. Wouldn't think that would give a headache.


    That's because the word "headache" is in the description, haha.

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