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Posts posted by Peter

  1. Hey Peter, welcome to TDNForums :)


    My name's Stephanie.

    Well I guess that's one step to becoming addicted to this site, with this insanely friendly bunch. (:

    If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to PM any of us, or post another topic ;)

    We've also got a snack table *points to left* We've got 2 residents living under there so watch your toes! (and don't eat the cookies.......yet. :evil:)


    Finally, remember to read the rules and I'll see you around the forum!


    Hi Stephanie! Tasty food here in TDN! :P


    Welcome Peter! You know, I used to have a friend named Peter, but then we went to different schools and never saw each other again..


    The TDN Fan Guild? I'm a member of that, too. I just can't post yet (under 13..).


    Enjoy your stay, and don't mind our insanity. We're like that. Remember to read the rules, and I'll see you around!


    BTW, I'm Lion. I always seem to forget to put that there... =o


    Hi Lion! I see you in the guild. /stalks :D

  2. You should block him and report him. It is against the rules to harass or spam other players. The rules state that :

    "5. Respect The Community.

    Remember, people who play on Neopets are of all ages and backgrounds. Therefore, all user content and communications on the Neopets site is filtered and monitored. So that everyone has a good time, you understand and agree that you will not post or send through the site any words, images or links containing or relating to:

    ...attacks, comments, or opinions about other people or things that slander, defame, threaten, insult or harass another person ...

    ..."spamming" (repeatedly posting the same message) or "party boards" ..."


    Don't worry though. Beggars ask for neopoints and stuff like that all of the time.

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