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Posts posted by squidge15

  1. ^ oh yes.

    < however, it's amazing how some of the guys i know can watch so much tv in a day but still manage to be sane. at least i think they're sane.

    v is your school's american football team doing well so far?

  2. I'm glad that NZ ain't as harsh as the US.

    do you mean in school or football?


    our coaches at school get pretty riled up whenever defense allows the other team to score a touchdown. you can hear the coach screaming even when you sit way up in the stands. my school's varsity football lost the first 2 home games, record 1-3. JV, on the other hand, is 4-0. big difference.


    oh, and i'm switching out of my algebra 2 honors cause my teacher's a turd and can't teach squat. :grrr: we had 28 people in the class to start with. now it's down to 15. by tuesday it should be down to 12 since 2 of my friends and i are dropping out. we're failing. badly.

  3. ^ box of computer paper.

    < i'm doing awful (understatement)in my algebra II honors class. made a 56 on a quiz. pretty sure i failed the test today. <_<

    v doing well in your math class?

  4. so am i. being fifteen is so overrated tho. nothing happens. id much rather be 16 or 18. at 18, ill be able to drive (u get ur license at 18 in nj now b/c of that stupid law), smoke (haha. not), and play the lottery. whoohoo! :D


    although 13 WAS a good age (it is my fav. number after all)

    where i live, you can take driver's-ed when you're 14 and 1/2, get your driver's permit when you're 15 and driver's license when you're 16. 'course, i live in a dinky little town w/o sidewalks, so you HAVE to drive or you'd look like a hobo walking on the side of the road.


    which reminds me, i STILL have to get my permit. *sigh*

  5. wow that totally sucks. at least you dont have gym first period. freshman year (im a soph now) i had gym frst. my hair was RUINED every day!


    check out MY schedule. and i had to drop Art I b/c i was taking AP european history:

    1st:Honors Algebra II

    2nd: AP European History

    3rd: Study hall (yay)

    4/5th: Honors US History I

    6th: Lunch (yess)

    7/8th: Honors Lit/Comp II

    9/10th: Honors Chemistry (the HARDEST class in the school. *gulp*)

    11th: gym (ick)

    12th: French 3


    yea. my school decided to do something new this year. have a weirdo arrangement of schedules. at least ill be w/ my friends (all the sophs have luch together)


    you guys already started??? wow. what grade are you? our tennis team (im on it) is gonna be legendary this year. well, maybe not. but i like to think so.


    i'm a sophmore this year. 2 (well, actually 3) years 'til senior year!


    i had gym 2nd period last year when i was a freshman, but we only have to take gym once in high school. you have 12 periods?! wow...


    my school's tennis team is ok, but HHS has an unbelievable soccer team. our football team isn't too bad either. they went pretty far into the playoffs a few years ago.

  6. i guess squidge just kinda popped into my head since i love that part in finding nemo when dory says "hello squishie, aw, you're so cute, goochie-goochie goo...". yeah, it's really random, but it just popped into my head at that moment.

  7. here you can rant about school (but keep it on a sane level), how it's utterly horrible and boring and the only way you survive is because of your buds and lunchtime. you can also talk about school band, how good (or bad) your school's athletic teams are doing, so on.


    my schedule this year is awful compared to last year's. i liked all my teachers last year. this year, i completely and utterly DESPISE my math teacher. he's horrible! i can't even see the board half the time. gah! :grrr:


    my schedule this semester:


    1st period- Printing Graphics 1- pretty fun class, just mess around w/ adobe in design, photoshop, and illustrator :yes:

    2nd- Algebra 2 Honors- i. hate. this. class.

    3rd- Biology Honors- not bad. the teacher's cool, and it's not that boring.

    4th- Symphonic Band- at least i have my friends. i hate marching season.


    my school's football (american, not soccer) team is 0-2. we lost to south last night by a field goal...*sigh*

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