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Posts posted by squidge15

  1. Coke is SO much better than Pepsi.


    We had an experiment like this in biology, where we did a survey on how many people preferred Coke, Pepsi, or neither. Coke won. =) The next day, we did a blind taste test to see which one we liked. I still picked Coke.


    But if I'm really thirsty, I'll drink either one.

  2. I hate vain, conceited people, snobs, girls that act like biot-ches, like in the movie "Mean Girls", the TV show "My Sweet Sixteen" on MTV, guys that are smart asses, people who whine about the smallest things, and my math teacher.

  3. Oooh, I've had that orange chocolate before. It's YUMMY!

    I will basically eat any kind of chocolate. Milk, Dark, Mint, with Nuts...I don't care. It's CHOCOLATE!!! :D

    My favorite kind is Milky Way. Mmmm...gooey chocolate and caramel goodness!

  4. Um, not just now, but I have done it in the past before. Several times, actually.


    The person below me is a big procrastinator. (person who waits until the last minute to do something)

  5. I'm Chinese and I was born in the USA, too. I don't speak with a Chinese accent at all, and I speak both Cantonese and English fluently. However, I do have a southern accent since I was born and raised in the south. North Carolina to be exact. And I DO NOT speak with a red-neck accent. You can really hear my southern accent if I say "hunting" or something like that, or if I get mad.

  6. Why do whenever I try and grab a ghost meepit *going fast, or going slow* they always run away from me, I can't get them!!! I'm hatin' it


    You should have a glass of meepit juice. I think that's what's stopping you from grabbing the meepits.


    Anyway, for me I spent about 15 minutes randomly clicking paths until I found all 7 meepits. Wasn't THAT bad, but it was annoying.

  7. For me, I took out all my vines and separated them in piles according to which types they were and left six of the same type in my inventory. Then try each type of vine one at a time and get the screen that shows your progress with the vine rope. It actually didn't take me that long to solve the vines thing. Now I have to find the books in that stupid maze.

  8. Mines? What kind of mines? Gold? Coal?

    Dunno what kind of mines, but I know that the factories are a big part of pollution in China. I mean, almost everything has a "Made in China" sticker on it.


    In the winter time, there's tons of wood smoke in the air here in NC because lots of people have wood-burning ovens. In fact, a few of my friends have wood burning stoves...hickory smells really good.

  9. Forest fires happen all over the mid-west in the US. Some of the time the fires are caused by drought and lighning, but other times it's because some idiot didn't put out his cigarette.


    After 9/11, New York City was covered in dust, etc., and even a month later you could still see a light grey layer of dust everywhere and when you breathed in you could kind of "smell" the dust. Anyway, there's a haze in NYC all the time because it's so polluted, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as what you guys in Singapore and Malaysia have to breathe in.


    I live out in the country in North Carolina, so there's almost no pollution out here except for the furniture factories and cars. And you can see the stars at night. :laughingsmiley:

  10. Gah! I haven't even gotten to that part yet! I'm still on the vines part. But I only started the plot on Friday.


    The person below me really doesn't want to go to school tomorrow.

  11. My school is so horrible, especially the classes they put me in. I'm having a diffucult time going between each class.


    1st - Honours Chemistry

    2nd - Astronomy

    3rd - Honours Algebra II

    4th - Honours Sophmore English

    5th - Spanish II

    6th - Honours World History

    7th - Driver Education/Consumer Economics

    Eep! Your schedule is a bit similar to mine! I'm taking Algebra II Honors right now and I have English II Honors next semester. I'm taking Spanish I next semester. I took Driver's Ed in March. And I finally got my permit last Wednesday! :D


    What does the American Honor's system mean?

    Honors are advanced classes. They're harder than the regular classes and you have to do more work and projects. You still get one credit for taking an Honors class but you get an extra point on your GPA for each Honors class you take. Plus it looks good on your college application.

  12. Yup. I once had 12 windows open for projects, research, email, and AIM chats with 6 people at one time.


    The person below me is being forced to read a book for school. And they HATE the book.

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