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Posts posted by tsaria_outsider

  1. Ok, so right now, I am very excited, but also very scared. I got my highest score on snot splatter today and it was over 25,000 When I hit the sent score button, I got something like an error message. I can't recall the exact words, but it said something like 'the neopets team will have to review your score. If it turns out ti be valid, you will be awarded your neopoints n placd on the high scoe table'. It is valid! One of my friends (who doesn't play neopets) was watching me play and saw a pattern to the game. He sat beside me, and showed me how to snake them just right. I could have gotten even high, except I accidentally clicked the wrong one once and lost the game. I've never really been on a highscore table before. I mean, I think I have a "third place in go" trophy that I got forever ago, but I don't remember getting a message like that. Is that standard when you might trump the highest score?

  2. So, I should have qualified for the prizes. I got each item on the day they were released and found all the hidden ones when they were released, but I didn't get this neomail or the Handpicked Spring Flowers. Did anyone else have the same problem?


    yup, I got them all on opening day (when ever the hidden ones would become available) and got neither the neomail, nor the flowers.

  3. Last movie:The dragon hunters

    Book: working on septimus heap book 4 now.

    First pet's name: Fluffy again ^-~!

    Fav. disney villain:Maleficent FTW!!

    Last song: Popular from the Wicked sound track!

    Thing you cant live without: my computer!!

    Time I normally wake up: 6 am for work *cries*

    Ultimate goal in life: just to live and love happily

    Would you rather save your family or 5,000 ppl (that excludes your family) from a fire? Family.

    Do you know any other language than English? Do made up languages count? It has a whole book of rules, he he.

    If you where a type of animal what would you be? a sloth!!!

    What did you want to do when you grew up when you were 8? be a teacher

    Where do you think that you'll live twenty years from now? in my same home (ownership ftw)

    If you could meet any famous person in the world, alive or dead, who would it be? JRR Tolkien

    Sum up your day in one word.Tiring

    Cute Cybunny didn't ask anything :( .

    If you could go back to any year/time period which you were not alive in, which would it be? The 1920s Although medieval times sound interesting, but in truth they weren't so good.

    What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

  4. last movie: The Tale of Despiroux

    Last Book: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (any one sensing a rodent theme? My nieces were visiting recently if you couldn't tell.)

    First pets name: Fluffy (fwuffy, really, seeing as I was two when my uncle gave me a kitten for christmas and I described her as my fwuffy)

    Favorite Disney Villain?

  5. ~*~GRR Every one Read this note!!~*~ so the mods seem fine with this being here *cheers* I made a minor rule change ant the suggestion of Unstream. You only have to answer questions you didn't already answer, that way we don't get all of those repeats


    Now then Let's talk peoples. So today, while I was working on my about me section, I decided I'm bad at thinking up things about my self. Then I thought to my self, gee, wouldn't it be nice if other people would ask the questions and I could just answer them? Ah ha, and then the idea for this game came to me! Here's the way it will work:

    1. person1- asks a random question

    2. person2-answers first question and adds a second question

    3. person3-answers first two questions and adds a third, and so on!

    • Please try not to post too many times on the same page. We all want to know your first pet was named snuggles, but not twenty times on a page >.<.
    • If the list gets too long and tedious, we may choose to start a new list with only one question, we'll just see how things go.
    • NO! rude, or inappropriate questions!! Follow all tdn rules!
    • If you really don't want to answer a question, just write "SKIP" as your answer.
    • Try and be creative with your questions! Think up random memories and ask weirdly specific questions. Or, you could even ask for a more specific answer about a previous question. But, please, no repeat questions.
    • Let's remember to keep our posts to a seven word minimum ^_~! (not that it will be hard once we start answering lost of questions,

    And the first question is *drum roll*


    What was the last movie you saw?

  6. Currently..


    Gold: 1188

    Silver: 267


    I consider myself somewhat of a KQ pro. I always use the same token and start in an appropriate spot instead of like pretty much everyone else that starts at the fairy house, (on the standard map).

    I change my starting spot depending upon which token I feel in the mood to use. I think people like the fairy spot on the basic board because it puts them in a good spot to get the two "out of the way" keys with out too much trouble (the silver and gold key). I tend to start mine near their corresponding "element" spot, my self.


    G: 377




  7. Yup, you cannot create a Krawk Neopet.


    The colours could be a *little* better, as with the shopkeepers.


    But, I wish I had a Krawk. I was proud of a badly-named Tonu from the pound I was training xD


    He he, I had a badly named tonu from the pound that I labrayed into jellyness.

    I do agree, though, that for pets which are pretty hard to get, the krawk colors could use some work. Meh, ah well.

  8. I like mostly every color except for yellow haha.


    Purple, Blue and Red are my 'main' favorites.


    I'm a lot like you! I really don't care for yellow, and shades of purple and blue are my favorites. I dislike yellow so much that even though I love the lab ray, I won't have a look up featuring the ugly mad scientist scorchie.

  9. I'm such a foodie! I, unfortunately, have an allergy to sea food/fish and I haven't tried shell fish just to be safe. Aside from that, I just love food! I adore authentic Japanese ramen, and German well any thing (roast whole chicken ftw). And Italian is ooy gooy, yummylicious. French food is delicate and wonderful, I looves me a good nutella crepe. I have a friend, can't recall what country he is from, but he makes this chicken lumpia that is to die for! oh, and mexican/hispanic food is great too! I love hand made guacamole! And a good fajita fresh off the grill. I also love good 'ole' messy southern style BBQ with sweet and spicy sauces. Speaking of sauces, gotta love "bar food" like buffalo wings and cheesy fries. Oh, and we can't forget a good sandwich. I mean like an awesome, hand made, all the toppings and maybe a tooth pick through it to hold it together type sandwich. My friends think my love of sandwiches is crazy! Yup, big 'ole' foodie here.

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