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About jumpluffers

  • Birthday 11/11/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    NSW, Australia

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jumpluffers's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

I'm a semi-homeschooled, fifteen-year-old (11th grade) girl from Australia. I LOVE science, especially (micro)biology, and programming. I also read avidly and love Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Haruki Murakami, and the Brontë sisters as examples (plus stuff like LotR). I am learning Japanese as well; I want to travel the world! I play video games obsessively, and my favourite franchises are Pokémon and Fire Emblem. I am a huge animal fan as well and have six pets (2x cats, 1x dog, 2x guinea pigs, 1x rabbit). I like to think of them as a menagerie.


I love cute things and I started Neopetsing again when my friends on IRC got into it as a gimmick. Now we all love it so much and don't just see it as a silly fad. I collect the five-inch plushies and adore playing Key Quest, and my favourite games are Snow Roller, Wheeler's Wild Ride, Shenkuu Tangram (don't laugh! It's very calming! and easy 3k), Ice-Cream Machine, and Usuki Frenzy (despite poor payout). My favourite pet is the Meerca, and while my current Meerca (named after my friend lol) is Cloud, one day I hope to paint her Faerie... so she can live up to her name. You can see her (unfortunately sans Faerie Dust Shower ;_;) in my personal photo. I also really like Blumaroos! I currently have one named after another friend (explaining the terrible name HEH =P), as well as a Buzz, which I adopted from my friend so he could make another pet (neither of us wanted to see it abandoned lol). My favourite petpets are Miamice, Meepits, Angelpusses, Faellies, and Cirruses.


I originally played years ago, but I had dial-up and a terrible computer, so I could only play, like, the Tombola. So I gave up fast when my preferred active pet got Neopox >((! I would like to heal her, but I lost my password and access to that email... Oh, well.

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