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Posts posted by DaveFromThePub

  1. I stopped playing Neopets years before Maraqua, and started playing again with a new account after Maraqua was finished. So I basically missed out on all that stuff. I'm more interested in what appeals to me personally, rather than the stuff that was earlier, even if it is worth more money now.


    As for Neopets and Scientology, if you do a Google search for neopets scientology you'll see what I mean. Doug Dohring for example is a Scientologist. I don't know that it's run by Scientologists now that Viacom owns it, but I'm talking about before that. Hopefully they purged all that stuff when they bought it and he left.


    Anyway, enough about Scientology. I don't want to turn this thread into a Scientology debate when it's really about what we miss, or what we missed out on. :)

  2. As a semi-casual player, I'd probably just go back to the Maraqua stuff and get as much of that as I could, such as the layout. I love the sea, and anything water related. So my pet has all the water skills I could get, I'm saving for a Maraquan brush, have the Maraquan house, and a water related petpet, et cetera.


    If I was a Neopets fanatic though, I'd probably say back to the days before they sold it to the Scientologists. I'd beg and plead with A&D not to sell to them, because they would be miserable working for them, and the whole site would turn into a big advertisement park. Luckily I'm not that obsessed with NP though and I don't care much. ^_^



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