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How do you increase your faerie abilities?

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Excuse me,I just defeated the pant devil and ghost lupe ^_^ ,but i haven't defeated the cave chia yet :sad01_anim: and i need to get the faerie abilities:burrow,sink and fiery gaze.And is there any weapons pricing below 6K which is useful when battling cave chia?I'm low on money. -_-"

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To get Fiery Gaze, you must be level 6 or more, and you must use 3 bottled fire faeries on your pet. To get Burrow, you must be at least level 10, and you must use 4 bottled earth faeries on yourself. And lastly, to get Sink, you must be at least level 30, and you must use 8 bottled dark faeries on your pet. You can probably get the first two pretty easy, but Sink is kind of a higher level skill that will cost you a good bit of money with all those dark faeries.


The best weapons to use on Cave Chia are just a Leaf Shield and a Scarab Ring. If you keep getting using them together, it should block most of his weapons, but watch out for his Spiked Club, as it'll get 2 light icons right through your defenses. Otherwise, he really shouldn't get too many icons through. :yes: Good luck.

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Thank you for the brilliant advide pandar.It's very useful but i really need to train my HP.LOL,i only have 16 hit points!If u wanna check my neopets account,it is s9720071h.And the petz i use 2 battle r pretty_kacheek_cute and Agent_Sky (Which i adopted).

And i'll add u as a friend.

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Well yeah - you'd do better in the battledome if you boosted your battle pet's HP a bit. :yes: I can drop you a few Dubloons if you need 'em.

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