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Umm i made a new account and it wont let me transfer my neopets to it or give my items to it so i need someone trustworthy who I know wont steal my stuff or pets. :ohno: If you can, notify me through the thread or mail :) thank you for your help!


You will need to keep your old account open until your new one is 4 months old, then you will be able to transfer your pets, Or you can find someone to take them, I am unsure if you have anyone, but if you need help you can neomail me, my username is getting_sick_of_this


I am more than happy to help out if need be. Just let me know what I can do.


Thank you for explaining guys if it doesn't work after 4 months i'll ask one of you guys



Thanks Again :woot: :yes: :thumbsup:


can you do the same with items and neocash? like wait 4 months? bc it wont let me trade to myself


YOu cannot trade neocash at all, but items and trades and such should go through. Do you have your new account set to "Only Neofriends can give items"?


oopsey lol sorry i accidently put nc instead of np lol but i know u can trade np


oh and maybe i doooo. ill check thanks :D :thumbsup:


NP makes more sense. xD If you want to transfer that, make a trade with a random junk item up on your new accont, go back to your old, and offer the NP you want to transfer. There's an 800k per trade limit, se if you have more you'll need a couple of trades, but it shouldn't be that big a deal. I do it whenever I need a little NP on one of my sides for whatever reason.

NP makes more sense. xD If you want to transfer that, make a trade with a random junk item up on your new accont, go back to your old, and offer the NP you want to transfer. There's an 800k per trade limit, se if you have more you'll need a couple of trades, but it shouldn't be that big a deal. I do it whenever I need a little NP on one of my sides for whatever reason.



yea i asked athnamas on neopets to take the stuff i give her and give it to my new account bc they have like the same name so i can't trade with myself lol. the old 1 is Yo_Smiles and the new 1 is YoSmiles lol i use the name for everything :rolleyes_anim:


I neomailed you back hun, sorry it took so long, long day at work, I would be more than happy to hold whatever for you, I have no evil intent, I am an adult, and I do prefer to work for my stuff, so it wont be a hassle.


Lol thanks (hun) i say that alot too but ok ill check my mail and thank you again for helping :)

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